Nonni e Manni: part 1

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A few months back on a story called Nonni e Manni was uploaded, a pdf of a story written in 1927 in Ido about two Icelandic children. It's a translation, but from which language I don't know. Since it's just a pdf of a scan of the book that means that there's no searchable text, and so I like to type up these old books so that they can be found online later on through text searches, copied and pasted, and free to be used and shown just about anywhere.

At the same time I think it would be interesting to have the English written right next to it as well, as another way to learn Ido. I would have liked to have something like this in 2005 when I first started learning the language. Luckily there was the magazine Adavane!, which was what I printed out and read quite a bit.

So I'll be putting this book up bit by bit, until I finish, upon which I'll probably upload it twice to, once with just Ido and again with Ido on the left and English on the right. Also, since the Ido there is already correct I think I might record my voice and make a few mp3s at the same time.

Also note that part 1 doesn't really have anything to do with the format of the book, it's just the first blog post. The second will be part two and so on, so I don't know how many parts there'll be before the book is finished.

So, here it is.

Nonni e Manni.
Nonni and Manni.
Vera historio pri du pueri Islandana.
A real history of two Icelandic children.
Da Jon Svensson, S.J.
By Jon Svensson, S.J.
Tradukita da Kanoniko J. Houillon
Translated by Canon J. Houillon

I. La Fluto sorciva.
The enchanted flute.
Delicoza ya es la urbeto Akureyri, reflektita en l'aquo dil splendida golfo Eyjafjödur, extremnorde di Islando.
Very fine is the settlement of Akureyri, reflected in the water of the splendid gulf Eyjafjyödur, in the extreme north of Iceland.
Ibe me habitis apud mea gepatri kande eventis la historio quan me es quik naraconta...
There I lived with my parents when the tale that I'm about to tell you occurred...
Uldie - me lore esis dekyara - ni recevis vizito da dubebla kuzulo nomat Arngrim. Il acepteses totkordie.
One day - I was ten then - we received a visit from an odd* cousin named Arngrim. He was accepted with full hospitality (lit. total heart).
Ta vizito, tre normal en su, havis konsequantaji influonta mea tota futuro.
That visit, very normal in itself, had consequences that were to influence my entire future.
On ofris al visitero drinkaji kustumala; pose Arngrim suafoye ofris a ni pleaji muzikal.
One offers to a visitor customary drinks; afterwards Arngrim for his part offered musical playings to us.
Il esis pasionoza flutisto e virtuoze pleis per ula fluto quan il kunportis en sua omna voyaji.
He was a passionate flutist and played virtuously with some flute that he took with him in all his voyages.
Lua ofro afabla plezure aceptesis. Pri me, grandeg esis mea deziro vidar muzikilo quan me konocis nur per olua nomo.
His affable offer was accepted with pleasure. As for me, grand was my desire to see a musical instrument that I knew only through its name.
Arngrim solene prenis ek sua valizo bel etuyo ledra, ceremonioze pozis ol sur sua genui ed apertis olu. Lore, il ektiris superba fluto ebenligna, kun reflekti kolor-chanjanta. Ol esis desmuntita. Il asemblis e sorgoze parajustis la peci, proximigis a sua labii la stranja implemento, e komencis plear.
Arngrim solemnly took out of his bag (valise) a beautiful leather case, ceremoniously put it on his knees and opened it. Then, he took out a superb flute of ebony wood, with colour-changing reflections. It was disassembled. He assembled and cautiously set all the pieces, brought to his lips the strange implement, and began to play.


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