Silvio Berlusconi apparently pretty good at Latin

Monday, April 07, 2008


21:11 GMT, Sunday, 6 April 2008 22:11 UK

Berlusconi boasts of 'good' Latin

Silvio Berlusconi at election rally in Palermo - 6/4/2008
Mr Berlusconi says he still has a good ear for Latin

Italian opposition leader Silvio Berlusconi claims he speaks Latin well enough to engage Roman emperor Julius Caesar in lunchtime conversation.

The 71-year-old former prime minister was responding to a question from Italian radio about which historical figure he would most like to meet.

"My Latin is good enough that I believe I could even have a lunch with Julius Caesar," he said in an interview.

He is running for a third term as prime minister in 13-14 April polls.

In a lengthy radio interview, he said he had been a very good student of Latin at school and had been often chosen to speak with "illustrious guests, including cardinals".

Apart from Julius Caesar, one of the most powerful leaders of ancient Rome, Mr Berlusconi also said he admired Winston Churchill, Britain's World War II leader.

Mr Berlusconi, Italy's richest man, runs a business empire that spans media, advertising, food and construction.

He also owns Italy's most successful football club, admits he has had cosmetic surgery, and has fought off repeated corruption allegations.

A trial for alleged fraud is set to resume after the legislative elections.

Edit: I'm going to add the German version here too. Because I like German.


Berlusconi protzt mit Lateinkenntnissen

Bescheidenheit ist eine Zier, doch Silvio Berlusconi ignoriert dies Sprichwort mal wieder: Italiens konservativer Oppositionsführer rühmte sich selbst für seine exzellenten Sprachkenntnisse - in Latein.

Silvio Berlusconi hat erneut demonstriert, dass er nicht mit zu großer Bescheidenheit zu kämpfen hat. Er sei so gut in Latein, dass er "mit Julius Caesar zu Mittag essen könnte", sagte Berlusconi in einem Hörfunkinterview am Sonntag.

Der Politiker, der mit seiner Liste bei den vorgezogenen Parlamentswahlen am kommenden Sonntag antritt, war gefragt worden, mit welcher historischen Persönlichkeit er gerne einmal speisen würde.

Er zögere zwischen Caesar und dem legendären britischen Premier Winston Churchill, sagte der 71-jährige Berlusconi.


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