Audio file of Guerra (War) in Interlingua now uploaded to YouTube
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Someone on Auxlang today brought up the subject of talking on the telephone and recording one's voice in IALs, and showed the page on the Wikipedia in Interlingua with pages with audio files as an example. I remember listening to those in 2007 but then forgot about them until now. Personally I also prefer listening to audio files on YouTube, and the subtitles make it especially enjoyable to watch. Here's the video:
This isn't read by me of course. It was recorded by a user called McDutchie, who has the following self-introduction on his user page:
Co-gerente del Servicio de Libros del Union Mundial pro Interlingua.
Io discoperiva Interlingua in januario del anno 2000. Lo que me fascina es le elegantia del concepto de derivation, le facto que interlingua es usabile anque foras del communitate de parlantes, e le beltate general de iste latino moderne international e simplificate.
I see. I hope he likes it. I'm going to let him know in a bit about the video that I've put up.
GuerraDe Wikipedia, le encyclopedia libere.
Un guerra o bello es un lucta armate inter duo o plus populos o nationes. Si gruppos ethnic o religiose intra un singule nation face un lucta armate le unes contra le alteres, on parla de un guerra civil. On parla de un guerra mundial si paises in tote le mundo es involvite in un guerra.
Le adjectivo correspondente es bellic. Le facer le guerra se appella belligerentia e paises faciente le guerra es paises belligerente.
Le opposito de guerra es pace, un condition in que populos e nationes respecta lor existentia mutue o mesmo lo apprecia. Inter guerra e pace es concipibile diverse formas intermediari, como armistitio e Guerra Frigide.
Le concepto guerra non ha alcun definition generalmente acceptate. Singer & Small (1972) e Deutsch & Senghaas (1973) proponeva parlar de "guerra" si le conflicto corresponde al sequente tres criterios:
Le conflicto resulta in al minus 1000 mortos in le campo de battalia (non includente le victimas indirecte a causa de fame, de manco de tecto e de maladias.)
Le conflicto ha essite preparate anteriormente, e/o es gerite per grande organisationes social per medio de recrutamento, training e position de truppas, e per le acquisition, immagazinage e distribution de armas e de munition.
Le conflicto es legitimate per un organisation governamental, assi que le assassination massive non sia reguardate como crimine ma como deber.
Le belligerentia ha ab le initio essite subjecte a leges e regulationes, ben que illos ha cambiate in le curso del tempore. On ha specialmente considerate le justification de un guerra. Post 1945 le derecto international proscribe le guerra como medio juste pro solver conflictos si non tote le medios diplomatic ha anteriormente essite exhaurite.
In despecto de tote le legislation international se concilia cata die multe conflictos con armas, sin exhaustion anterior de tote le medios diplomatic. Pro eluder le definition como guerra, le partitos de un tal conflicto usa sovente le euphemismo 'conflicto armate'.
There are a lot of other audio files so I hope to put them up as well. Takes a while to make the videos though (about 30-45 minutes each).
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