Multilingual Canadians have more career options

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Image:Montreal-Place Vauquelin, Note.jpg
The title is no surprise whatsoever, so let's skip past that and get to some of the details in this study I found yesterday from

Bilingual and multilingual Canadians noted numerous career benefits to
speaking another language, including stronger relationships with colleagues
and clients (77 per cent), a greater range of career options (72 per cent), a
greater range of job options within their field (66 per cent), and flexibility
in geographical location (62 per cent).
Nearly half of bilingual and multilingual Canadians agreed that speaking
an additional language enabled or accelerated promotion (48 per cent), while
44 per cent said speaking another language enabled or accelerated salary
The vast majority would like to learn an extra language if it was subsidized properly (I assume this means at least a few hours a week without having to leave the company):
Nearly three in four (70 per cent) of Canadians whose company did not offer language instruction would be interested in the training, if it were significantly subsidized. Interest was highest among females (75 per cent) and those under 35 years old (86 per cent).
Lastly, the most interesting part is the comparison of unilingual Canadians to multilingual Canadians:

Unilingual Canadians
Multilingual Canadians
More opportunities to travel
47% 59%
Love of language / personal improvement
43% 62%
Career opportunities / advancement
Better communication with friends or relatives
Are not inspired to learn another language

So what does that mean for us IAL advocates? Ignore the unilinguals. Either that or promote IALs in two ways: one for those really interested in languages from the start, and another way (for unilingual speakers) that contrasts the IAL with actual examples of how much easier they are to learn than natural languages. I've noticed that I've never seen a single textbook of an IAL that shows in exactly what way it is easier to learn than other major languages. I'd like to see an Ido or Interlingua textbook for example that shows the following on most pages:

(let's pretend it's a joint Ido-Interlingua textbook for the moment)



Ido Interlingua French
me esas
io es
je suis
tu esas
tu es
tu es
ni esas
nos es
nous sommes
vu esas
vos es
vous êtes

Then contrast pronunciation, stress, everything that makes a natural language more difficult. And then include a curriculum for your average French / Spanish class in school, then cross out all the parts that you don't need anymore with an IAL. Verb conjugation for example could be done to perfection during the first two or three days, then cross out the rest for the year. Mark down how many hours are saved, then continue with the rest.


Unknown said...

I remember having seen an Esperanto exercise which is similar to that one, stressing the ease of Esperanto over natlangs on that specific language aspect. I do not remember where on the Internet I saw it, however.

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