Conversation, phrases and simple grammar in Latino sine Flexione - pt. 2
Thursday, July 03, 2008
How are you?
What day is today?
Where are you?
There are...
Where are you going?
How are you? | Quomodo es vos? |
I'm good, thank you. | Me es bono, gratias. |
How is he? | Quomodo es illo? |
He's good. | Illo es bono. |
How is she? | Quomodo es illa? |
She's sick. | Illa es infirmo. |
How is your wife? | Quomodo es vestro marita? |
She's good. | Illa es bono. |
How is your husband? | Quomodo es vestro marito? |
He's angry. | Illo es irato. |
What day is today?
What day is today? | Que die es hodie? |
What day is tomorrow? | Que die es cras? |
What day was yesterday? | Que die es heri? |
It's Sunday. | Es soldie. |
It's Monday. | Es lunadie. |
It's Tuesday. | Es martedie. |
It's Wednesday. | Es mercuriodie. |
It's Thursday. | Es jovedie. |
It's Friday. | Es veneredie. |
It's Saturday. | Es saturnodie. |
Where are you?
Where are you? | Ubi vos es? |
I'm at home. | Me es in domo. |
Where am I? | Ubi me es? |
Where is he? | Ubi es illo? |
He's at school. | Illo es in schola. |
Where is she? | Ubi es illa? |
She's on an island. | Illa es in insula. |
Where are they? | Ubi el illos? |
They're in Russia. | Illos es in Russia. |
There are...
There's a pencil. | Es grapho. |
There's a pen. | Es stilo. |
There are some books. | Es aliquo libro. |
There are books. | Es libros. |
There are books. | Es plure libro. |
There are tables. | Es mensas. |
There are tables. | Es plure mensa. |
There are tables in the school. | Es mensas in schola. |
There's a lot of money in the bank. | Es multo pecunia in argentaria. |
There's a lot of money in that bank. | Es multo pecunia in illo argentaria. |
I need money. | Me necessita pecunia. |
I need the money in that bank. | Me necessita pecunia que es in illo argentaria. |
Where are you going?
(to) where? | Ad ubi? |
Where are you going? | Ad ubi vos vade? |
I'm going home. | Me vade ad domo. |
Where am I going? | Ad ubi me vade? |
You're going to school. | Vos vade a schola. |
Where is she going? | Ad ubi illa vade? |
She's going to the bookstore. | Illa vade ad bibliopola. |
Where are they going? | Ad ubi illos vade? |
They're going to the sea. | Illos vade a mare. |
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