Scorpions Wind of Change sung in Icelandic

Friday, September 26, 2008

I was listening to some Icelandic radio this morning and that's what I heard, a song exactly like Wind of Change by the Scorpions but softer, sung by a woman, and in Icelandic. The only word I caught was mother (móðir).

Here's the song in case you don't remember it off the top of your head:

So, any idea who it is? A few minutes of various searches turned up nothing.

By the way, here's the link to that radio station's live feed (Utvarp Saga 94.3), and there's also a newspaper here that is in English but has a nice "Icelandic for beginners" section near the end of the pdf, which can be downloaded from the bottom. Here's part of the conversation for example:

Ágúst: Já, góðan daginn! Þú varst að auglýsa hús-
gögn til sölu.
Ágúst: Yes, hello! You were advertising furniture
for sale.
Hildur: Já, einmitt.
Hildur: Yes, that's right.
Ágúst: Ertu búin að selja allt kannski?
Ágúst: And have you sold everything, maybe?
Hildur: Ja, ég er búin að selja rúmið og fataskápinn en
sófnn og sófaborðið eru ennþá til sölu.
Hildur: Well, I have sold the bed and the wardrobe
but the sofa and the sofa table are still
Ágúst: Mikið er ég heppinn! Ég er einmitt að leita
mér að sófa! Hvernig er hann á litinn?
Ágúst: Lucky me! I was looking for a sofa! What
colour is it?

And so on, plus vocabulary explanations and exercises. It's written by:
Helga Hilmisdóttir
Department of Icelandic, University of Manitoba
I bet she would know who sings that song.


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