Iran, Russia and Qatar come to agreement on natural gas / İran, Rusya ve Katar gazda anlaştı

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Source: (Turkish)

This article reminded me of one I read in the summer here on the New York Times about how Qatar will cooperate with just about anybody and often finds itself in interesting diplomatic situations as a result:

In an increasingly divided Arab world, the Qataris have fashioned a reputation for themselves as independent-minded arbitrators who will cozy up to anyone — Iran, Israel, Chechen separatists — in pursuit of leverage at the bargaining table.


At times, Qatar’s multifaceted approach to the world has bordered on comedy. In March 2003, Qatar hosted a meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference aimed at forestalling the American invasion of Iraq, even as preparations for that invasion were taking place nearby at the American military base. As the final communiqués were being read, military cargo planes could be heard soaring overhead.

That means that no article about "Qatar does X" should be interpreted outright as "therefore Qatar has taken the side of X / is opposed to Y" without any proof of the second statement.

Now the article:

İran, Rusya ve Katar gazda anlaştı
Iran, Russia and Qatar come to agreement on natural gas
İran, Rusya ve Katar arasında doğalgaz alanında işbirliğini öngören yeni bir anlaşma imzalandı.
A new agreement on cooperation in the field of natural gas has been signed between Iran, Russia and Qatar.

İran Petrol Bakanı Gulam Hüseyin Nozeri, Katar Enerji Bakanı Abdullah Bin Hamid El Attiye ve Rus doğalgaz şirketi Gazprom'un Genel Müdürü Aleksey Miller, Tahran'da yapılan görüşmelerin ardından doğalgaz alanında işbirliğini öngören beş maddelik anlaşmayı imzaladı.
Iranian Oil Minister Gholam Hossein Nozari, Qatar Energy Minister Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Attiyah and Russian natural gas company Gazprom's General Manager Alexei Miller (Алексей Борисович Миллер) signed a five-point plan on cooperation in the field of natural gas after meetings in Tehran.
Anlaşma, doğalgaz ihraç eden ülkeleri tek çatı altında toplayacak bir teşekkülün oluşturulma sürecinin hızlandırılmasını, teknik alanda işbirliğine olanak sağlayacak Yüksek Teknik Komite'nin kurulmasını, doğalgaz projelerinin hayata geçirilmesini, ortak kapasite ve potansiyelden yararlanmayı ve doğalgaz sektöründeki gelişmeleri zamanında ve şeffaf bir ortamda aktaracak bir yayın organının teşkilini öngörüyor.
The agreement envisions speeding up the process of forming an organization of natural gas-exporting nations that would gather under one roof, setting up of a High-Tech Committee to provide technological cooperation, the actualization of natural gas projects, and the forming of a media organ that would benefit from mutual capacity and potential, and would transmit information on developments in the natural gas sector in a clear manner as they happen.
Dünya doğalgaz rezervinin yaklaşık yüzde 60'ı Rusya, İran ve Katar'da bulunuyor.
Approximately 60% of the natural gas reserves in the world are found in Russia, Iran and Qatar.
Dünya doğalgaz üretimi ve ihracatında da Rusya ilk, İran ise ikinci sırada yer alıyor.
Russia is first in world production and exports of natural gas; Iran is second.


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