Comparison of English, Occidental/Interlingue and Catalan

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mapa dialectal de la llengua catalana.

It's great that Google now offers automatic translation into and out of Catalan in addition to a ton of other languages, because 1) Catalan is not that widely-used a language, and if they can provide this service to a language that size, there may be some hope for Interlingua, Ido and Esperanto (the only three that would be able to provide a large enough corpus for translation). 2) I've always thought Occitan resembles European IALs more than any other language, and Occitan is a close relative of Occitan so it's fun to compare them. Here's one example from Occidental's Un international congress with a translation in English made somewhat awkward on purpose to make it easy for Google to translate, and then the machine-translated Catalan version (which is of course somewhat awkward as well).

Noi have un grand international congress in li cité.
We have a large international congress in the city.
Tenim una gran congrés internacional a la ciutat.

Li nationes de Europa es representat per eminent cultural persones. The nations of Europe are represented by eminent cultural persons. Les nacions d'Europa estan representats per persones eminents cultural.
Li centre del congress es in li palace del parlament. The centre of the congress is in the palace of parliament. El centro del congrés és al palau del parlament.
Elegant modern automobiles sta ante li portas e sur li stradas e plazzas. Elegant modern automobiles stand before the doors and on the streets and plazas. Elegant i modern automòbils estan davant les portes i als carrers i places.
Li fassades es decorat per li national flags. The facades are decorated by the national flags.Les façanes estan decorades per les banderes nacionals.
Li flags del nordic landes have li cruz quam symbol. The flags of the nordic lands have the cross as symbol. Les banderes dels països nòrdics tenen la creu com a símbol.
On vide delegationes de divers partes de Europa, de nord e sud, de ost e west. One sees delegations of diverse parts of Europe, of north and south, of east and west. Un veu les delegacions de diverses parts d'Europa, del nord i del sud, l'est i l'oest.
Un deputation visita li presidente del state in li grandios residentie contra li ópera. A deputation visits the president of the state in the grandiose residence across the opera. Una delegació visita el president de l'estatal a la grandiosa residència a tota l'òpera.
Special correspondentes fa observationes e scri articules por li redactiones de grand jurnales e telegrafa al burós de information.Special correspondents make observations and write articles for the editing of large journals and telegraph to the bureaus of information.Especial corresponsals formular observacions i escriure articles per a l'edició de les grans revistes i telègraf a les taules d'informació.


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