"Weltweite Verständigung durch die internationale Sprache Ido" - ad on Ido in German-language magazine promotes the language

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Edit January 20: All of a sudden a dozen people have come to this page using the search term "adon German die". What's that all about?

Eberhard Scholz wrote yesterday on idolisto about this ad in German for Ido that appeared in a German linguist magazine called "Sprachnachtrichten", which is apparently read by around 32,000 people. You can access the pdf on this page, from the April 2008 version on page 26. Here's the ad typed out:

Weltweite Verständigung durch die internationale Sprache Ido

Kulturelle und sprachliche Vielfalt ist ein Reichtum der Menschheit - doch der Prozess des Sterbens von Sprachen dauert an, auch in Europa. Helfen Sie beim Erhalt der Sprachen und Kulturen! Mit der neutralen Zweitsprache Ido, geschaffen von einer internationalen Wissenschaftlergruppe, schützen wir auch unsere Muttersprache.

Informieren Sie sich über eine der leichtesten Sprachen der Welt. Lernen Sie Ido in kostenlosen (Fern-) Kursen.

FB 8, Köpenicker Strasse 30, 10179 Berlin
idoamiki.berlin@gmx.de, Tel: 030-4256744
Info + Literatur:
Deutsche Ido-Gesellschaft, Archiv
37284 Waldkappel-Bu. / alfred.neussner@ido.li

which means:

World-wide understanding through the international language Ido

Cultural and linguistic diversity is a wealth of humanity - but the process of dying languages continues, even in Europe. Help build the preservation of languages and cultures! With the neutral second language Ido, created by an international group of scientists, we also protect our mother tongue.

Find out about one of the easiest languages in the world. Learn Ido through free (remote) courses.

People are usually more willing to give IALs a chance in places where people feel their mother tongue to be threatened. Recently you can see a lot of articles like this one and this one among others on the situation showing a real fear of German becoming a kind of second-class or simple local language in Europe, and I'd be interested in seeing if there's any greater interest in IALs (or at least in the issue of language in Europe) as a result.


Unknown said...

Learning Ido could be a good idea. Long time ago I chose to learn Esperanto, and because of that I understand written Ido. Ido is a reform of Esperanto.

Esperanto is an active language with speakers in most countries around the world.

If you like the idea, I can help your learn Esperanto. Start by visiting my page at

from Fremont, California, USA

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't suggest that the majority of Idists are fraudsters, but the circumstances in which Ido was produced were certainly fraudulent. I would refer you to Rik Dalton's excellent treatise on this subject, from a lawyer's point of view, at http://rik.poreo.org . I think the motivating force behind Ido was esperantophobia by a group of French speakers. In 1955 we had the same sort of thing with Interlingua from English speakers at the same time as McCarthyite attacks on leading Esperantists.

Ian Fantom said...

I wouldn't suggest that the majority of Idists are fraudsters, but the circumstances in which Ido was produced were certainly fraudulent. I would refer you to Rik Dalton's excellent treatise on this subject, from a lawyer's point of view, at http://rik.poreo.org . I think the motivating force behind Ido was esperantophobia by a group of French speakers. In 1955 we had the same sort of thing with Interlingua from English speakers at the same time as McCarthyite attacks on leading Esperantists.

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