Grammar of Occidental/Interlingue in Occidental translated into English: part 12
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Here's part 12 of the English translation of the Haas grammar on Occidental in Occidental (from here) that I'm doing mostly for my own benefit. I'm just about done now, should be one or two more days. Probably two as there's a lot to do tomorrow.
§ 140. Adjectivic sufixes. (Li concernent substantives, format per desinenties substantivic, es indicat in parenteses.) -al: general adjectivic relation: musical, cordial, central (centrale), ideal (ideale). -ic: essent tal: metallic, fanatic (fanatico), fantastic, scientic. Grec substantives finient per -ma intercala -t-, tales finient per -se (x = cs) muta li s in t: problematic, dramatic, elipse, eliptic, hipnose, hipnotic, sintax, sintactic (sintactico). Per -ica on indica scienties o artes, per -ico lor executores: fisic, fisica, fisico, aviatica, aviatico, politic, politica, politico. | § 140. Adjectival suffixes. (The concerned nouns formed by noun finals are indicated in parenthesis) -al: general adjectival relation: musical, cordial, central (centrale), ideal (ideale). -ic: being that way: metallic, fanatic (fanatico), fantastic, scientic. Greek nouns ending with -ma add a -t-, those ending with -se (x = cs) mute the s into t: problematic, dramatic, elipse, eliptic, hipnose, hipnotic, sintax, sintactic (sintactico). With -ica one indicates sciences or arts, with -ico those that do them: fisic, fisica, fisico, aviatica, aviatico, politic, politica, politico. |
-an: apartenent a: american (americano, americana, americanes), homan. -at (pos substantives): providet per: barbat, foliat, talentat (talentate). -ut: tro rich in, exuberant: barbut (barbute), armut, sandut. -osi: rich in, havent: famosi, musculosi, respectosi, spinosi. -aci: inclinat a: mordaci, tenaci, vivaci. -ari: conform a, convenient a: populari, regulari, militari (militare). -atri: simil a: spongiatri, verdatri. | -an: pertaining to: american (americano, americana, americanes), homan. -at (after nouns): provided by: barbat, foliat, talentat (talentate). -ut: very rich in, exuberant: barbut (barbute), armut, sandut. -osi: rich in, having: famosi, musculosi, respectosi, spinosi. -aci: inclined to: mordaci, tenaci, vivaci. -ari: conforming to, convenient* with: populari, regulari, militari (militare). -atri: similar to: spongiatri, verdatri. |
-esc: amemorant a, in maniere de: infantesc (infantesco), gigantesc. -in: consistent de, provenient de: argentin, alpin, matrin, svinin (svinine). -iv (adjuntet al tema perfectic secun § 80): actent talmen, capabil: decorativ, obligativ, consolativ, definitiv, constructiv, ofensiv (ofensive), directiv (directive), alternativ (alternative). -ori (adjuntet al tema perfectic secun § 80): destinat a, devent acter talmen (adjective de -or): decoratori, obligatori, consolatori, ilusori, preparatori, instructori. -ibil (verbes in -ar: -abil, cp. § 85): de verbes transitiv: quo on posse far, de verbes íntransitiv: quo posse far: formabil, audibil, нncredibil, visibil, explosibil, combustibil (combustibile). -nd (verbes in -ir: -end) adjuntet al tema presentic: a far: leend, dividend (dividende). | -esc: reminding of, in the manner of: infantesc (infantesco), gigantesc. -in: consisting of, parentage of: argentin, alpin, matrin, svinin (svinine). -iv (added to the perfect theme as wel § 80): acting as, able: decorativ, obligativ, consolativ, definitiv, constructiv, ofensiv (ofensive), directiv (directive), alternativ (alternative). -ori (added to the perfect theme as with § 80): destined toward, should act as (adjective of -or): decoratori, obligatori, consolatori, ilusori, preparatori, instructori. -ibil (verbs in -ar: -abil, cp. § 85): of transitive verbs: what one can do, of intransitive verbs: what can do: formabil, audibil, íncredibil, visibil, explosibil, combustibil (combustibile). -nd (verbs in -ir: -end) added to the present theme: to do: leend, dividend (dividende). |
§141. Mult paroles international contene grec e latin afixes: ab-: for: abducter. anti-: contra: anticrist, antisocial. arch(i)-: gradu maxim superiori: archangel, archiepiscop, archifripon. auto-: self: automobile, autodidacte. pseudo-: fals, semblant: pseudoscientie, pseudocrist, pseudomala-die. -isme: doctrin, sistema, movement: catolicisme, centralisme, socialisme. -oid: simil: negroid (negroide), elipsoid. | §141. Many international words contain greek and latin affixes: ab-: afar: abducter. anti-: against: anticrist, antisocial. arch(i)-: highest grade: archangel, archiepiscop, archifripon. auto-: self: automobile, autodidacte. pseudo-: false, seeming: pseudoscientie, pseudocrist, pseudomala-die. -isme: doctrine, system, movement: catolicisme, centralisme, socialisme. -oid: similar: negroid (negroide), elipsoid. |
§142. Ultra li indicat productiv afixes existe quelc ínproductiv afixes, queles ne forma nov paroles, ma explica existent paroles international. P. ex.: -id, -ore. friger, frigid, frigore, valer, valid, valore, riger, rigid, rigore, rigiditá, rigorosí, rigorositá. | §142. Beyond the productive affixes exist some nonproductive affixes, which do not form new words, but explain existing international words. Ex: -id, -ore. friger, frigid, frigore, valer, valid, valore, riger, rigid, rigore, rigiditá, rigorosí, rigorositá. |
§ 143. Maxim frequent es li metode plazzar li complement sin preposition avan li substantive resp. li verb, con o sin strec ligativ. scri-table = table por scrir, vent-moline = moline movet del vent, chapel-bux, nota-librette, postcarte, scrimachine, tippmachine, mult-lateral, circumnavigar, contraproposition. | § 143. Most frequent is the method of placing the complement without a preposition in front of the noun relating to the verb, with or without a dash. scri-table = table for writing, vent-moline = mill moved by the wind, chapel-bux, nota-librette, postcarte, scrimachine, tippmachine, mult-lateral, circumnavigar, contraproposition. |
In nov-formationes it es recomendat ligar li du paroles per un strec ligativ. In compositiones ja international li du paroles multvez es ligat per un o o i. ferrovia, agricultura, uníform, li uniforme, aeroplan, electromotor. | In new formations it is recommended to link the two words with a hyphen. In compositions already international the two words are often joined with an o or i. ferrovia, agricultura, uníform, li uniforme, aeroplan, electromotor. |
Pro simplicitá e plu grand comprensibilitá e claritá it recomenda se in mult casus usar atributes vice compositiones. animale domestic, premie de assecurantie, comunication per vapornaves. | For simplicity or more comprehensability and clarity it is recommended in many cases to use attributes instead of compositions. animale domestic, premie de assecurantie, comunication per vapornaves. |
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