Finnish goalie Vesa Toskala messes around with interviewer by answering English questions with unrelated answers in Finnish

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I can't say I find this video as funny as some have because it's pretty easy to just say something unrelated if you speak another language that the interviewer doesn't understand, but it's still some simple Finnish with English subtitles and that's good enough for me. Anybody care to transcribe what he says so I can write it below?

Endless interviews with hockey players are just a fraction more interesting than watching paint dry though, so I can understand saying something like this out of sheer boredom.

Edit: Risto Kupsala (the creator of Pandunia and a contributor to Auxlang) has been kind enough to provide the transcript:

Joo, tais olla 18, 18-vuotias kun mä sain ajokortin, ja siitä se sitten autoilu-ura lähti liikkeelle.
Kuorma-autolla ajoin inssin ja, tota, välikaasua vähän annettiin Hervannan valtaväylällä. Ja kerrasta läpi.
Se oli toi Mitsubishi Coltti, ensimmäinen auto
Siitä sitten nuorten kisoissa ostin kaiuttimet autoon, ja tota, parit ylinopeussakot, mutta koitetaan pitää ettei tuu sakkoja ensi kesänä.


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