Simple Uzbek - English vocabulary list

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Internet access where I live was acting up for a few hours so I started typing up an Uzbek-English list while I waited for it to come back, and got to B. I suppose I might as well finish it then, so I'll first upload what I've gotten done and then add to it until I finish. You'll notice that it looks a bit like Turkish with more Persian words added here and there and a lot of o's where you usually see a's in Turkish. There also seem to be a few Russian words but I don't know more than a few Russian words so I couldn't say how many there are. Here it is:

(Edit: done! Certainly not a complete list but I hope it can serve as an introduction to basic Uzbek vocabulary. If you want me to add any words to the list let me know and I will)

adabiyot - literature
adres - address
afsuski - unfortunately
ahmoq - idiot
albatta - of course
alifbo - alphabet
allaqachon - already
almashtirmoq - change
ancha - many
aql - wisdom
aroq - alcohol
artmoq - wipe
arzon - cheap
auditoriya - auditorium
avariya bo'lmoq - have an accident
avtobus - bus
avval - first
axlat - garbage
ayb - mistake
ayiq - bear
aylanmoq - walk, tour
ba'zan - sometimes
ba'zi - some
bahor - Spring
baliq - fish
band - busy
bank - bank
basketbol - basketball
bayram - holiday
bemor - patient (in a hospital)
bilim - knowledge
bilmoq - know
bir daqiqa - one minune
birmoqbirini - each other
birga - together
birga bo'lmoq - be together
biroz - some
blanka - paper
bo'lmoq - become
bo'sh - empty
bo'sh xona - free room
bo'y - height
bo'yatmoq - dye
bog' - garden
bog'cha - kindergarten
boks - boxing
bola - child
bor - there is
borlar - there is (polite)
bormoq - go, arrive
bosh - head
boshlamoq - start
boshlanmoq - be started
boshqa - other
bosmoq - step on
boylik - wealth
bugun - today
bulut - cloud
burun - nose
buva - grandfather
buvi - grandmother
buyuk - big, grand
buyum - relic
chaqaloq - baby
chaqirmoq - call
charchamoq - be tired
chek - cheque/check
chiqmoq - go out
chiroyli - beautiful
chislo -day
cho'milmoq - swim
cho'zilmoq - be late
chol - old man
chorshanba - Wednesday
choy - tea
dada - dad
daftar - notebook
dala - field
dam olmaq - rest
daqiqa - minute
daraxt - tree
dars qilmoq - study
daryo - river
demoq - say
dengiz - sea
deraza - window
do'kon - store
do'st - friend
doktor - doctor
dollar - dollar
doska - blackboard
dushanba - Monday
egizak - twin
emas - not
er - husband
ertalab - morning
eshik - door
eshitmoq - listen
esmoq - blow
familiya - surname
faqat - however, only
fasl - season
firma - company
foiz - interest (financial)
futbol - football (soccer)
g'or - cave
gapirmoq - say
gazeta - newspaper
gugurt - match
gul - flower
ham - also
hamisha - always
hamma - everyone
hammom - bath
hamshira - nurse
haqida - about/regarding
haqiqatan - truly
harakat - effort
harf - letter (written character)
harorat - temperature
havo - weather, air
haydamoq - drive
hayot - life
hikoya - story
hisob - account (bank)
hisobot - report
hojatxona - washroom
hozir - now
hujjat - document
iborat - composed of
ichida - within
ichkariga - into
ichkilik - alcohol
iliq - warm
institut - institute, university
iqlim - climate
iqtisod - economy
ish - work
ishbilarmon - businessman
ishchi - worker
ishlamoq - to work
ishonmoq - believe
ism - name
jamiyat - society
jo'nab ketmoq - leave
jonivor - beast
joy - place, seat
juda - very
juma - Friday
jurnal - magazine, journal
kamroq - just a bit
karavot - bed
kasalxona - hospital
katak - cage
kech - late
kecha - yesterday
kechirasiz - excuse me
kelishgan - good-looking, suitable
kelmoq - come
keng - wide
kerak - necessary
ketmoq - go
keyin - later, after
kichik - small
kino - movie
kinoteatr - movie theatre
kir yuvmok - do laundry
kirmoq - enter
kishi - person
kitob - book
kiyinmoq - wear clothes
ko'chirmoq - cheat
ko'k choy - green tea
ko'l - lake
ko'p - many
ko'pchilik - most
ko'pincha - normal, generally
ko'rishguncha - until we meet again
ko'rmok - see
ko'z - eye
ko'zoynak - glasses
konvert - enveloye
koptok - ball
kuchuk - puppy
kun - day
kurash - wrestling
kutmoq - wait
kutubxona - library
kuz - Autumn
lekin - however
lug'at - dictionary
majlis - parliament
maktab - school
mamlakat - country
maqola - article
marka - stamp
markaziy - centre
maroqli - fun, interesting
marta - many times
mavjud - exist
maydon - (public) square
mehmon - customer
mehmondo'st - kind
mehmonxona - hotel
men - I
menyu - menu
metro bekati - subway station
meva - fruit
mo'l - many
muddat - period (of time)
muhabbat - love
musobaqa - contest, match
muzey - museum
muzqaymoq - ice cream
narx - price
necha - how many / much
nikoh to'yi - wedding ceremony
nok - pear
nonushta - breakfast
nonvoyxona - bakery
o'chirg'ich - eraser
o'g'il - son
o'g'irlamoq - steal
o'qimoq - study, read
o'qituvchi - teacher
o'quvchi - student
o'rganmoq - study
O'rta Osiyo - Central Asia
o'rtoq - friend
o'tirmoq - sit
o'tkazmoq - pass
o'xshamoq - resemble
o'ylamoq - think
o'ynamoq - play
o'zgarib ketmoq - change
obuna bo'lmoq - subscribe
odam - person
oddiy - normal
odobli - polite
og'rimoq - to feel pain
oldin - previous
olib kelmoq - bring
olma - apple
olmoq - buy
oltin - gold
omad - luck
ona - mom
opa - older sister
oshpaz - cook
oshxona - restaurant
ota - dad
otaxon - grandfather
otkritka - card
ovqat pishirmoq - to cook
ovqatlanmoq - to eat a meal
oxirgisi - last, final
oy - moon
oyna - glass/mirror
ozgina - a bit
payshanba - Thursday
pishirilmoq - be cooked
pivo - beer
pochta - post office
posilka - parcel
poyezd - train
poytaxt - capital
pul - money
qachon - when
qadimiy - previous
qalam - pencil
qancha - how much
qanday - what kind of
qarindosh - relative (family)
qatiq - yogurt
qaysi - what kind of
qaytim - change (small money)
qilmok - do, carry out
qimmat - expensive
qish - Winter
qishloq - countryside
qisqa - short
qiz - woman
qiziqarli - interesting
qo'l - hand
qo'rqmoq - to fear
qo'shiqchi - singer
qog'oz - paper
qolmoq - stay/remain
qor - snow
qorin ochqamoq - be hungry
quruq - be dry
quruvchi - architect
qush - bird
quti - box
rafiqa - wife
rahmat - thank
rang - colour
rasm chizmoq - draw a picture
rasmga tushmoq - take a picture
mazali - delicious
rassom - painter
ruchka - pen
sakramoq - jump
sartaroshxona - barber shop
sayohat - travel
sen - you
seshanba - Tuesday
sevgi - love
shahar - city
shakar - sugar
shamol - wind (wind that blows)
shanba - Saturday
shaxmat - chess
qatnashmoq - participate
she'r - poem
shirin - sweet, delicious
shoir - poet
shoshmoq - hurry
shunday - in that way
sigaret - cigarette
singari - etc., like
singil - younger sister
sira - at all, never
siz - you (pl., formal)
soat - clock
soch - hair
soqol - beard
sotmoq - sell
sotuvchi - merchant
sovg'a - present (gift)
soyabon - umbrella
spiritli - with alcohol
sport - sport(s)
stol - desk
stul - chair
sumka - bag
suv - water
suzish - swimming
tajriba - experience
tajribali - experienced
taklif qilmoq - invite
talaba - university student
tamosha - park
tanishmoq - introduce
tanlamak - choose
tanlov - decision
tashlamoq - discard
tashqari - outside
tayyorlamoq - prepare
teatr - theatre
tegmoq - touch
telefon (qilmoq) - (to) telephone
telegramma - telegram
televizor - television
tennis - tennis
tezmoqtez - often
tilak - wish
tinch - peace
tinglamoq - listen
to'xtamoq - stand, stop
tog' - mountain
tomoq - neck
tovlamachi - swindler
tovuq - chicken
tozalamoq - to clean
tug'ilgan kun - birthday
tug'ilmoq - be born
tur - type
turli - various
turmoq - get up, stand up
turmushga chiqmoq - get married (woman)
tushlik - lunch
tuyaqush - ostrich
tuzalmoq - heal, get better
uchrashmoq - meet
uchrashuv - meeting
uka - younger brother
unda - well then*
undosh - consonant
univermag - department store
universitet - university
unli - vowel
urmoq - beat/hit
ushlamoq - catch
uxlamoq - sleep
uy - house
uy vazifasi - homework
uzoq - far
uzun - long
valuta - foreign exchange
vaqt - time
vatan - country
velosiped - bicycle
voqea - event
xalq - people
xalqaro - international
xat - letter (postal letter)
xona - room
xotin - wife
xursand - happy
yakshanba - Sunday
yana - again
yangi - new
yaqin - close
yarashmoq - to be suitable
yarim - half
yasamoq - make
yashamoq - to live
yaxshi - good
yaxshi emas - not good
yer - ground
yo'l - road
yo'q - there isn't (opposite of bor)
yo'qotib qo'ymoq - to lose something
yomg'ir - rain
yordam bermoq - be helpful
yotmoq - lie down
yoz - Summer
yozmoq - write
yubormoq - send
yugurish - runnung
yugurmoq - run
yuvinmoq - wash
zakaz qilmoq - order
zavod - factory
zilzila - earthquake
zo'r - good


Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm happy to find there some sambahsa words:
akmak = "scatterbrained"; albatta = "admittedly"; akel = "presence of mind"; "daftar" = "list, roll"; dust = "comrade"; "hissab" = "reckon"; "iktissad" = "economy" (quality); "juma" = "Friday"; "crovat" = "bed"; "kino" = "movie theater"; "kitab"= "digest"; "lakin" = "however"; "majlis" = "assembly room"; "maydan" = "playground"; "kalem" = "pen";


Me said...

Albatta, daftar, dust, hissab, iktissad, juma, kino, kitab, majlis, maydan and kalem are also words that I recognize quite well thanks to Turkish and Persian. I'll have the rest of the list completed in a few hours so you'll probably find some more there too.

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