CHP-MHP combined votes in 2009 regional election surpasses that of the AKP in Turkish regional elections

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Turkey had regional elections two days ago, and the outcome was less than favourable for the AKP.

Başbakan Erdoğan, seçim sonuçlarını ‘Güvenoyu aldık’ diye yorumlarken, ‘il genel meclislerindeki oylarımız CHP-MHP toplamının üzerinde’ dedi ancak durum AKP için kritik görünüyor. Yüzde 39.32 olan CHP-MHP toplamı yüzde 38.93’lük AKP oylarını kılpayı da olsa geçti.
Prime Minister Erdoğan appraised the results of the election by saying "we have the confidence (of the people" and that "our votes in the provincial councils are greater than than of the CHP and the MHP put together", but the situation looks critical for the AKP. The 39.32% total of the CHP-MHP edged out the 38.93% share for the AKP by a nose.

AKP 16 ili kaybetti. Geçen seçimlerde kazandığı Manisa, Balıkesir, Isparta, Uşak, Aydın, Adana, Osmaniye’yi MHP’ye, Tekirdağ, Aydın, Antalya, Giresun, Zonguldak’ı CHP’ye, Van ve Siirt’i DTP’ye, Sivas’ı BBP’ye, Yalova’yı da DP’ye kaptırdı.
The AKP lost 16 provinces. Of the provinces it won in the general elections, it lost Manisa, Balıkesir, Isparta, Uşak, Aydın, Adana and Osmaniye to the MHP, Tekirdağ, Aydın, Antalya, Giresun and Zonguldak to the CHP, Van and Siirt to the DTP, Sivas to the BBP, and Yalova to the DP.

For more information you can see the Wikipedia articles on the election in English and Turkish.


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