Jerusalem Post deletes article accusing Norwegian Finance Minister Kristin Halvorsen of anti-Jewish sentiment

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Here it is, complete with a screenshot of the article before it was deleted:

I have no idea what the Norwegian Finance Minister's position is on Jews/Israel/anything else, but the article is getting quite a bit of press in Norway so I thought I'd translate part of it.

Den israelske avisa Jerusalem Post har nå fjernet en artikkel fra sine nettsider hvor finansminister Kristin Halvorsen blir beskyldt for å ha ledet en marsj og ropt «Død over jødene!».
The Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post has now deleted an article from its site where Finance Minister Kristin Halvorsen is accused of having led a march and shouting "Death to the Jews!"
Hvis man nå klikker seg inn på linken til den opprinnelige artikkelen, finner man et tomt dokument under overskriften «Article content not available» - «Artikkelinnhold ikke tilgjengelig».
When you click on the link to the original article there is a blank document with the heading "Article content not available".
I den omtalte artikkelen, som ble publisert i dag, skrev Jerusalem Post at antisemittismen og anti-israelske følelser har eksplodert i Norge. Det stadig voksende hatet mot Israel og jødene er drevet av norsk media og og den intellektuelle eliten, het det.
In the mentioned article which which was published today, the Jerusalem Post wrote that anti-semitism and anti-Israeli feelings have exploded in Norway, and that the growing hatred towards Israel and Jews is being driven by the Norwegian media and the intellectual elite.

Next paragraph is a translation of the screenshot above, so skipping ahead... snakket tidligere i dag med journalisten bak artikkelen. spoke earlier today with the journalist behind the article.

- Alt jeg har skrevet er riktig. Jeg har fått informasjonen fra flere kilder. Fra Israel-Wat, fra Manfred Gerstenfeld og Imre Hercz. Men jeg vil ikke at du siterer meg på noen ting, uttalte journalisten som har skrevet saken, Maya Spitzer, til
"Everything I've written is correct. I have received information from various sources. From Israel-Wat, from Manfred Gerstenfeld and Imre Hercz. But I don't want you to quote me on aything", said the journalist who has written the article, Maya Spitzer, to
Den norske holocaust-overlevende jøden Imre Hercz er på ingen måte komfortabel med artikkelen.
The Norwegian Jewish holocaust survivor Imre Hercz is not at all comfortable with the article.
- Artikkelen er helt gal og jeg er forferdet. Jeg snakket med journalisten lenge, i to omganger, og jeg sa det stikk motsatte...."
"The article is completely wrong and I am horrified. I spoke twice for a long time with the journalist, and I said the opposite is true..."
Hercz skriver nå på et motsvar som han vil ha trykket i Jerusalem Post. Innlegget skal etter planen sendes avisa i morgen.
Hercz is now writing a response that he will have published in the Jerusalem Post, which is planned to be sent to the newspaper tomorrow.
Kristin Halvorsen er på privat reise og er derfor ikke tilgjengelig for kommentar. Utenriksdepartementet sier til at artikkelen i Jerusalem Post er «meget feilaktig».
Kristin Halvorsen is on vacation and therefore not available for comment. The Foreign Ministry said to that the article in the Jerusalem Post is "highly mistaken".

Number of comments below the article thus far: 258. Yikes.

Edit a few hours later: the article was published again with a few changes:

Nå har Jerusalem Posts nettutgave trykket et bilde av finansminister Kristin Halvorsen. Men - nå har de fjernet informasjonen om at hun ropte «død over jødene»:
Now the Jerusalem Post's site has published a picture of Finance Minister Kristin Halvorsen, but it has now removed the information that she yelled "death to the Jews":
«En rekke offisielle representanter for regjeringen snakket nedsettende om Israels handlinger i Gaza - inkludert finansminister Kristin Halvorsen, som ledet marsjen mot operasjonen, hvor «Død over jødene» ble hørt», skriver Jerusalem Post i dag.
"A number of official representatives of the government said derogatory things on Israel's actions in Gaza - including Finance Minister Kristin Halvorsen, who led the march against the overation, where "Death to the Jews" was heard", wrote the Jerusalem Post today.

The party also released the following statement here in English:

Kristin Halvorsen participated in a demonstration for peace in Gaza on January 8th this year. There were no anti-Jewish slogans during the event what so ever, as The Jerusalem Post alleges.

There were appeals for inter-religious coexistence and peace, calling on Israel to stop the war on Gaza. The demonstration lasted for about an hour, and was a dignified and peaceful event.

A splinter-group continued a march towards the Israeli embassy afterwards. This was not a part of the official demonstration, and Kristin Halvorsen did not join this rally. She publicly denounced the violent outbreak that occurred in the aftermath of the peace demonstration.


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