Korean wisdom: Cats fuck over mice.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

H/t to Korea Beat for pointing this out. Naver (the most popular search engine in Korea) has a pretty good English-Korean-English dictionary full of example sentences for context for the English student, but every once in a while comes up with some pretty wacked out translations of Korean sentences the student is supposed to learn the English equivalent of. See what happens here when you do a search for sentences containing both the words cats and mice. Here they are:

Ah...is that so? The fourth sentence in Korean actually says "cats use mice for food". But maybe the English translation sums up the relationship between the two a bit more succinctly.

Sounds like a photoshopped image is in order. Thanks to Juggertha on DeviantART for getting the cat's face just right.

Need to explain to your Korean friend what "cats fuck over mice" means? In Korean it would be something more like 고양이들이 쥐를 졸라 못되게 구는다.

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