29 November 2009: A majority in Switzerland vote to ban the construction of minarets
Monday, November 30, 2009
Well, that was certainly a surprise. You can see the results by canon in German here. Every canon except four voted for the ban. The canon that was most opposed to the ban was Geneva, and the one most in favour of it was Glarus.
Now, as for the international reaction: it will depend on the way other countries treat religious minorities in their own land. Those in which apostasy or the construction of other religious buildings is forbidden for example don't really have a leg to stand on, but perhaps others might. I'm not up to date with the specific regulations in each country though so I can't really say.
Çok çirkin bir yasak.İki tarafta da aşırıdincileri güçlendirecek.Bilhassa Türkiye'deki Ortodoks Rum ve Gregoryen Ermenilere şüpheci kesimi (patrikhânenin konumu v.s.) ve Avrupa'daki İslâmkarşıtlarını :(
Kore'de böyle bir sorun yok değil mi ? :)
Hmm, Dave, the Swiss are not yet demolishing minarets with "canons" ! (What would you think if I'd talk about the Canadians "pro-vice" ?)
As always, there is a difference between the rather pro-European Francophones in the west and the isolationist Allemanics. The worst is that this kind of vote reflects what we can see with the Front National in France; those most against Muslims are the ones who live in places with no "moorish" inhabitant !
In any case, this votation cannot be implemented unless they abrogate the non-discrimination principle in the Confederal Constitution and that Switzerland leaves the Council of Europe...
Emre: Benim bildiğim kadarıyla Kore'de sadece bir cami var (Itaewon'da) ama o cami hakkında hiç bir haber yok. Koreliler ilgisi yokmuş, ve buradaki müslümanlar siyasi ifadeler yapmıyor. Buradaki durum Avrupa'dakiyle büyük farkı varmış...biraz hristiyanlar ile budistler ile problem var ama o da büyük değil.
Çok çirkin bir yasak.İki tarafta da aşırıdincileri güçlendirecek.Bilhassa Türkiye'deki Ortodoks Rum ve Gregoryen Ermenilere şüpheci kesimi (patrikhânenin konumu v.s.) ve Avrupa'daki İslâmkarşıtlarını :(
Kore'de böyle bir sorun yok değil mi ? :)
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