An Ido-Guide for doctors, nurses, stretcher-bearers, the wounded, sick, soldiers

Friday, April 04, 2008

This is from a pdf recently uploaded at as a scanned pdf, and for the sake of creating searchable content I typed up the whole thing. Well, actually I think I missed a page or so in the middle introducing the language since there's already a lot of that online. I love how active the original Idists were. Like the late Don Harlow (an Esperantist, but a good friend and on the same page as me regarding the promotion of language) believed, IALs are only 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration, which means that once you've learned how to use it it's now up to you to start writing reams and reams of content, be it translated material, a blog, corresponding with people, and so on. Don't forget that every bit of content you write in a language makes that language that much stronger.

(Originally posted on my Wikipedia user page, but it's probably a good idea to consolidate the things I do on this blog)


Content from An Ido-Guide for doctors, nurses, stretcher-bearers, the wounded, sick, soldiers by Louis de Beaufront, published in 1917. I'll probably upload it to Wikisource after I've finished transcribing it.

The International Language "Ido."
President of the French Idist Society.
It is the neutral auxiliary language resulting from the selection and labours of the Delegation.
The Delegation for the Adoption of an Auxiliary International Language was a body of persons delegated (from 1901
to 1907) by 310 societies or congresses of all countries to examine the numerous projects or systems of an
international artificial language and to adopt the best. It had received, moreover, the approval of 1,250 members of
academies and universities. This Delegation elected a committee of men fully competent on the matter, who, in
October, 1907, after a long and impartial examination of all the known systems, adopted Esperanto with certain
modifications. "The International Language of the Delegation," or "Ido'" is therefore Esperanto simplified, made
more regular, more euphonious and more complete.
The reforms made in Esperanto accord with the criticisms and requirements of 20 years' experience. Many
Esperantists have welcomed them with enthusiasm, even if others have preferred to retain in their language
regrettable defects and omissions. May time restore little by little a union whose rupture was not caused by the Idists!
Although he has several times publicly renounced all proprietary interest in respect of the language, Dr. Zamenhof, a
Russian doctor, would not agree to allow the Delegation to retain the name of Esperanto in connection with the
reform, even with a distinctive epithet. It was therefore necessary to call the language "Ido", a pseudonym under which
it had been submitted with a view to later utilization. Ido is formed from an Esperanto suffix meaning "descendant,
off-spring of."
The internationality of the constituent telements, appreciable greater in Ido than in Esperanto, give to it 91 per cent
of French roots, 83 per cent of Italian roots, 79 per cent of Spanish and English roots, 75 per cent of Swedish roots,
65 per cent of German roots, 53 per cent of Russian roots.
Ido possesses a practical and essential quality which places it beyond comparison. It can be immediately
understood without any previous study by the aid of a dictionary alone. It is only necessary to search in this little book
for the elements which are unknown (even the grammatical endings), all of which are to be found alphabetically
arranged in order to understand the letter or Ido text addressed to you. As it has rejected the 6 accented letters of
Esperanto which necessitated a special casting and separate founts, Ido can be printed everywhere and written
with all machines.
Its technical vocabularies are in complete agreement with the international words of science. This point is of capital
importance for the use of the auxiliary language by the learned.
Ido has abolished the obligatory accusative of Esperanto which is not in the least necessary, as is proved by the
languages of Roman origin and English, and German also, not only in the plural, but also in the singular for the
feminine and the neuter where accusative and nominative are identical. As in English, the adjective is invariable in
Its pronunciation is pleasent and harmonious, like that of Italian. Its grammar has been reduced to the minimum
compatible with exact expression of thoughts. Further, Ido can be learnt with ease and thoroughly in a few weeks.
This has been abundantly established by experience.
Ido includes at the outbreak of the war more than 200 groups or societies, 17 reviews or newspapers serving its
cause in different countries, adaptations in more than 15 languages.
Ido has obtained the adherence of The International Order of Good Templars (Temperance Society, 700,000
members), of The Centro Nacional de Ingenieros (Buenos Ayres), of L'Institut Finsen (Copenhagen), of the
Bourse du Travail of Turin, of the Swedish Export Society, of the Statistical Office of the City of Stockholm, of the
Colonia-Club of Paris, etc.
The pronunciation of Ido is so simple that it is not necessary to set it out in detail, but the following observations
should be noted: -
1. All letters must be pronounced, and except as otherwise indicated below, as in English. There are no silent letters.
2. The vowels a, e, i, o, u are sounded like ah, eh, ee, oh, oo, but not quite so broad as usually heard in English.
The pronunciation is the continental sound. The two diphthongs au and eu should be pronounced ah-oo and
eh-oo, with the oo short. Au is almost like ow in cow.
3. C is pronounced as ts in tsetse. Ex.: Caro (Czar) tsah-roh.
4. G is pronounced as g in gun (not as in gin).
5. H must always be sounded.
6. J as "s" in pleasure.
7. R should be clearly pronounced - slightly trilled.
8. S like s in mouse (not s in rose).
9. Ch as in church.
10. Sh as in shawl.
11. Gn as in dignity. Ex.: digneso.
12. Gu as in guava, not as in guest. Ex.: lin-gual (lin-gwal).
13. Qu as in queen.
14. X is ks always as in extra, not as in example.
15. Other letters as in English.

The accent is placed on the last syllable but one: Deo, shuo, pia, donas, tirez, patri, fenestri, but the infinitive ending of the verb takes the accent, amar, venor, diktor. In case of roots of more than one syllable the finals ia, ie, ii, and io and ua, ue, ui and uo are not regarded as syllables and consequently the accent follows the rule thus: kaspia, radie, filii, misterio, industrio, aqua, sexue, lingue, revuo.

Synopsis of the Grammar.

The reader who wishes to make good use of the words and phrases of the Ido Guide and the grammatical facility of the language, is advised to read carefully the synopsis of the grammar which follows: --

-o indicates the noun in the singular: bov-o (an) ox.

-i indicates the plural: bov-i (some) oxen: ni, we, us.

-e indicates the derived adverb, that is to say, formed from another word: bon-e, well (from bona, good); nokt-e, at night (from nokt-o, night).

-as indicates the present tense: me, tu, ni, es-as, I am, you are, we are; Tu venas, you come.

  • In Ido the endings of the verb remain the same in each tense.

-is indicates the past tense: il(u) es-is, he was, he has been; Vu ven-is, You have come, you came.

-os indicates the future tense: el(u) es-os, she will be; ili ven-os, they will come.

-us indicates the conditional tense: eli es-us, they (fem.) would be; vi (to several) ven-us, you would come.

-ez indicates the imperative: es-ez, be; ven-ez, come.

-ar indicates the present infinitive: es-ar, to be, ven-ar, to come.

1. In what part of the body do you feel the pain? - De qua parto dil korpo vu sufras?
2. In the head. - De la kapo.
3. In the throat. - De la guturo.
4. In the chest. - De la pektoro.
5. In the stomach. - De la stomako.
6. In the belly. - De la ventro.
7. In the back. - De la dorso.
8. In the loins. - De la lumbi.
9. In the right hand, left. - De la manuo dextra, sinistra.
10. In the leg. - De la gambo.
11. In the right knee, left. - De la genuo dextra, sinistra.
12. In the ankle. - De la maleolo.
13. In the wrist. - De la karpo.
14. In the foot. - De la pedo.
15. In this finger. - De ca fingro.
16. In all the fingers of the hand, in all the toes of the right foot, left. - De omna fingri di la manuo, di la pedo dextra, sinistra.
17. In this tooth. - De ica dento.
18. In the right eye, left. - De l'okulo dextra, sinistra.
19. In both eyes. - De la du okuli.
20. In the bladder. - De la veziko.
21. In the right ear, left. - De l'orelo dextra, sinistra.
22. In both ears. - Del du oreli.
23. In the neck: in front, at the back, on the right, on the left. - De la kolo: avane, dope, dextre, sinistre.
24. On the right side, left. - De la flanko, dextra, sinistra.
25. In the tonsils. - De la tonsili.
26. In the larynx. - De la laringo.
27. In the pharynx. - De la faringo.
28. Open your mouth. - Apertez la boko.
29. More still (wider). - Plu multe.
30. Show me your tongue (Let me see your tongue). - Montrez a me vua lango.
31. Show with your finger exactly the point where you feel the pain. - Montrez per la fingro juste la punto ube vu sufras.
32. Have you suffered from that a long time? - Kad de to vu sufras de tempo longa?
33. Yes, rather a long time, a very long time. - Yes, de tempo pasable, tre longe.
34. No, only since the day before yesterday, a few hours. - No, nur de pre-hiere, de kelka hori.
35. I have always suffered from it, from my childhood. - Me sempre sufris de olu, depos mea infanteso.
36. That is not serious; don't alarm yourself. - To ne esas grava; ne desquietesez.
37. Have I not some heart trouble? I am out of breath for nothing and breathe with difficulty. -
Kad me ne esas malada del kordio? Me anhelas pro nulo e respiras desfacile.
38. You have neither a heart trouble nor a lung complaint. I have sounded you very carefully. -
Vu esas malada nek del kordio, nek de la pulmoni; me auskultis vu tre sorgoze.
39. But I sleep very badly; I am feverish and cough a great deal, mostly during the night. -
Ma me dormas tre male; me febras a me, tre tusas precipue dum la nokto.
40. Your pulse is normal, only a little nervous. - Vua pulsado esas normala, nur kelke nervoza.
41. You are only very fatigues; that is overstrain, which will pass away with rest. -
Vu esas nur tre fatigita; to esas surmeneso qua pasos per repozo.
42. That is slight bronchitis, from which you will be free in 8, 10 days. But you should remain in bed. -
To esas bronkito negrava, de qua vu liberesos pos ok, dek dii. Ma vu devas restar en la lito.
43. I spit blood, probably I have an injury (a lesion) in a lung. -
Me sputas sango; kredeble me havas lezuro en pulmono.
44. I admit that, the sounding points to a slight lesion in the left lung. But, believe me, that is quite curable
if you will properly follow my prescriptions. Have, therefore, full confidence. -
Me lo konfesas, l'auskulto indikas mikra lezuro en la pulmono sinistra. Ma, kredez me, to esas
tre remediebla, se vu bone obedios mea preskripti. Haves do konfido plena.
45. I am very constipated; I think I need a purgative. - Me esas tre konstipata; me pensas ke me bezonas purgo.
46. I have had diarrhoea a few days. I fear dysentry. - Me diareas de kelka dii; me timas disenterio.
47. It is enteritis. Take good care not to depart from the course of treatment I have laid down for you.
If not, you will greatly complicate your condition. -
Esas enterito. Atencez bone ne eskartar de la rejimo quan me impozas a vu.
Se ne, vu komplikus grande vua stando.
48. Do your bowels act regularly? - Ka vu fekifas reguloze?
49. Yes, doctor. But for some time my digestion has not been very good. In the morning I vomit bile and slimy matter.
Yesterday I did not keep my dinner down. Would it not be well for me to take an emetic? -
Yes, doktoro. Me, de kelka tempo me ne digestas bone. Matine, me vomas bilo e muki.
Hiere vespere, me ne konservis mea dineo. Kad me ne agus bone, se me uzus vomigivo?
50. I will tell you what you should do. Let me examine you a little. -
Me dicos a vu to quon vu devos facar. Lasez me examenar vu kelke.
51. Does it paint you when I press here? - Kad vu sufras, kande me presas hike?
52. No, doctor. - No, doktoro.
53. And there? - Ed ibe?
54. Have you ever had hepatic colic? - Kad vu ne havis ultempe hepatal koliki?
55. Renal colic? - Renal koliki?
56. No, but for some time I have felt a sort of dull pain on the edge of the liver. -
No, ma de kelka tempo me sentas quaza doloro neakuta sur la latero dil hepato.
Stretcher Bearers and Wounded. - Kamilisti e Vundito.
57. Still one over there. - Ankore un ibe-fore.
58. He is coming round. - Il rikoncieskas.
59. Do not be afraid, my man, we are friends. - Ne pavorez, karo, ni esas amiki.
60. Could you help yourself a little? We would cause you less pain. - Kad tu povas helpar tu kelke? Ni min dolorigus tu.
61. Are you carrying me far? I am in such great pain. - Kad vu transportas me fore? Me tante sufras.
62. No, the vehicle is quite close and the station (or the ambulance) is a short distance from here. -
No, la veturo esas tote proxima e la staciono (o l'ambulanco) esas poke distanta de hike.
63. Do not be anxious. You have no longer anything to fear. - Quietesez; tu ne plus havas ulo timenda.
64. Try to go to sleep. - Esforcez dormeskar.
In an Ambulance or a Hospital. - En Ambulanco o Hospitalo.
65. Where is he wounded? - Ube il esas vundita?
66. In the skull, in the forehead, in... - Ye la kranio, ye la fronto, ye la...
*See page 8 for the various parts of the body to use here after; ye la...See also the phrases 30 to 56.
67. Is that serious? - Kad to esas grava?
68. Yes, very serious, mortal. - Yes, tre grava, mortigiva.
69. I am very doubtful whether we will save him. - Me tre dubas kad ni salvos lu.
70. He will not last longer than one or two days, a few hours. - Il ne duros plu longe kam un o du dii, kelka hori.
71. Nothing can save him. His family should be informed. - Nulo povas salvar lu. Oportas informar la familio.
72. Give him everything he asks for. - Donez a lu omno quon il demandos.
73. His right shoulder has been quite shattered by pieces of shell. - Il havos la dextra shultro tote frakasita da spliti di obuso.
74. Nose, cheeks, lips, chin, all his face was struck and disfigured by grenades. -
Nazo, vangi, labii, mentono, la tota vizajo esis che lu atingata e deformata da grenadi.
75. We shall have to amputate the right arm, the... - Ni koaktesos amputar lu de la brakio dextra, de...
*See page 8 for the name of the part to be amputated.
76. The operation was a very great success; but lock-jaw supervened and caused his death. -
L'operaco sucesabis tre bone: ma la tetano su manifestis e mortigis lu.
77. What is most alarming about him is the persistence of the fever, which we have not really succeeded in overcoming. -
To quo maxim desquietigas pri lu esas la persistado dil febro, quan reale on ne sucesas vinkar.
With the Nurses (Male and Female). - Kun la Flegistuli e Flegistini.
78. Good-day, good evening, good night. - Bona jorno, bona vespero, bona nokto.
*jorno, opposed to night (daytime). Dio, day of 24 hours.
79. How are you this morning, this evening, to-day? - Quale vu standas, ca-matine, ca-vespere, ca-die?
80. Sir, Madam, Miss. - Sior(ul)o, siorino, damzelo.
81. Well, ill, rather well (a little), better. - Bone, male, pasable bone (kelke) plu bone.
82. Are you well cared for? - Kad vu esas bone flegata?
83. Very well; the nurses here are very devoted to their patients. - Tre bone: la flegistuli e flegistini hikala esas tre devota a sua maladi.
84. I am cold. - Me sentas me kolda.
85. I am (too) warm. - Me sentas me (tro) varma.
86. Put on me, take away from me the foot-cover. - Pozez sur me, forprenez de me la pedkovrilo.
87. Please: re-arrange my pillow. - Me pregas: riaranjez mea kapkuseno.
88. I am hungry. I would like something to eat. - Me hungras. Me volus manjar.
89. I am not hungry. I am no longer hungry. - Me ne hungras. Me ne plus hungras.
90. I am thirsty. I would like something to drink. - Me durstas: me volus drinkar.
91. I am not thirsty. I am no longer thirsty. - Me ne durstas. Me ne plus durstas.
92. That is too warm. - To esas tro varma.
93. I wish - Me deziras:
94. to get up. - levar me.
95. to sit down. - sideskar.
96. to lie down on the bed. - sternar me sur la lito.
97. to go to bed. - kushar me.
98. sleep. - dormar.
99. to wash myself. - lavar me.
100. to do my toilet. - tualetar.
101. to dress myself. - vestizar me.
102. to undress myself. - desvestizar me.
103. to go for a walk. - marchar.
104. Help me, please... - Helpez me, me pregas, por...
*Add, as necessary, one of the verbs from 94 to 104.
105. Give me my crutches. - Donez a me mea gruchi.
106. The wash-hand basin. - La kuveto.
107. The chamber. - La vazo.
108. The bowl and my draught. - La bolo e mea pociono.
109. The glass. - La glaso.
110. The spittoon (pocket). - La sputajuyo (poshala).
111. A chair; the lounge chair. - Sluto; la longa stulego.
112. A book. - Libro.
113. A newspaper. - Jurnalo.
114. Some paper. - Papero.
115. Some ink. - Inko.
116. A pen. - Plumo.
117. A pencil. - Krayono.
118. I wish to speak to the chaplain. - Me deziras parolar al kapelisto.
Age and Time. - Evo e Kloko.
119. How old are you? - Quante vu evas?
120. I am twenty, thirty, forty, etc., years old. - Me evas dua-dek, tria-dek, quara-dek e.c. yari.
*Zero-un-du-tri-quar-kin-sis-sep-ok-non-dek-11, dek e un; 12, dek e du; 13, dek e tri; etc. - 20, dua-dek;
30, tria-dek; 40, quara-dek; 50, kina-dek, etc.
121. He is 22 1/2 years old. - Il evas dua-dek e duimo.
122. He is thirty years and eight months old. - Il evas tria-dek yari e ok monati.
123. What time is it? - Qua kloko esas?
*Horo, duration of an hour, of time; Kloko, o'clock. Ex.: He came at three o'clock and remained three hours, Il venis ye tri kloki e restis tri hori.
124. It is now one o'clock, two, 12, 23 o'clock (11 p.m.). - Nun esas un kloko, du, dek e du e tri kloki.
125. It is a quarter past three. - Esas tri kloki ed un quarimo.
126. It is half-past four. - Esas quar kloki e duimo.
127. It is a quarter to six. - Esas kin kloki e tri quarimi.
128. It is ten past six. - Esas sis kloki (e) dek (minuti).
*The words in brackets may conveniently be omitted.
129. It is thirty-five minutes past seven. - Esas sep kloki (e) tria-dek e kin (minuti).
A Series of Questions. - Questionaro.
131. What is your name? - Qua esas tua nomo? (fam. form).
132. What is your name? - Qua esas vua nomo? (gen. form).
133. My name is... - Mea nomo esas...
134. Write it. - Skribez lu.
135. In what country were you born? - En qua lando vu naskis?
136. In what town? - En qua urbo?
137. In what village? - En qua vilajo?
138. What is your address? - Qua esas vua adreso?
139. Write that, if you are able. Here is a pencil and some paper. - Skribez to, se vu povas. Yen krayono e papero.
140. Write also the address of the person who should be informed of your condition. -
Skribez anke l'adreso dil persono quan on devas informar pri vua stando.
141. I am not able to do so, I cannot write. - Me ne povas, me ne savas skribar.
142. Well, say that address very exactly. - Nu, dicez a me ta adreso tre exacte.
Report. - Raporto.
143. Report (Make a report). - Raportez.
144. As I had been ordered I went to... - Quale me esabis imperata, me iris a...
145. Were you able to accomplish your mission? - Kad vu povis realigar vua komiso?
146. Yes, Captain. We will be duly re-enforced. Here are a few lines which the General gave me for you. -
Yes, kapitano. Ni esos rinforcata justatempe. Yen kelka linei quin la generalo donis a me por vu.
147. Are there any wounded there? - Kad esas ibe vunditi?
148. Yes, Captain. - Yes, kapitano.
149. To be cleared? - Evakuenda?
150. Yes, to be cleared. - Yes, evakuenda.
151. How many? - Quante?
152. Where and when? - Ube e kande?
153. In ... and to-day. - En ... e cadie.
154. Far away? Let us see on the map. - Kad fore? Ni videz sur la mapo.
155. No, rather near. - No, pasable proxime.
156. Well, let us depart immediately with ... vehicles. Order accordingly. - Nu, on departez quik kun ... veturi. Imperez konseque.
In a Town or Village. - En Urbo o Vilajo.
157. What is the name of this place? - Qua esas la nomo di ta loko?
158. It is called... - Lu nomesas...
159. Is it a great distance from here to...? - Kad esas longa disto de hike a ...?
160. No, sir; only two kilometers. - No, sioro; nur du kilometri.
161. Have you already an ambulance? - Kad vu ja havas ambulanco?
162. Take me: - Duktez me:
163. to the Commander of the place. - al komandanto di la loko.
164. to the town hall. - al komondomo.
165. to the school. - a la skolo.
166. to the post office. - a la posto-kontoro.
167. to the ambulance. - a l'ambulanco.
168. to the hospital. - a la hospitalo.
169. to the barracks. - a la kazerno.
170. to the guard-room. - al gardeyo.
171. to the telegraph office. - al telegrafeyo.
172. to the grand square. - al granda placo.
173. to the church (principal). - a la kirko (precipua).
174. to the fountain. - a la fonteno.
175. to the watering-place. - a la drinkeyo.
176. to the hotel. - a la hotelo.
177. at the veterinary's. - che la veterinaro.
178. at the chemist's. - che l'apotekisto.
179. at a doctor's. - che mediko.
180. at a tailor's. - che talioro.
181. at a shoe-maker's. - che shuisto.
182. at a shirt-maker's. - che kamizisto.
183. at a hatter's. - che chapelisto.
184. at a baker's. - che panvendisto.
185. at a butcher's. - che buchisto.
186. at a pork-seller's. - che porkokarnisto.
187. at the fruiterer's. - che la fruktisto.
188. at the grocer's. - che la spicisto.
189. at the confectioner's. - che la kukisto.
190. at the watchmaker's. - che la horlojisto.
191. at the admiral's. - che l'admiralo.
192. at the general's. - che la generalo.
193. at the colonel's. - che la kolonelo.
194. at the lieutenant-colonel's. - che la lietnant-kolonelo.
195. at the major's. - che la komandanto.
196. at the lieutenant's. - che la lietnanto.
197. at the sub-lieutenant's. - che la sub-lietnanto.
198. at the station. - che la staciono.
199. near the officers. - apud l'oficiri.
200. near the sub-officers. - apud la sub-oficiri.
201. near the soldiers. - apud la soldati.
Lodgings with a Private Person. - Lojo che Privato.
202. What is the name of the person living in this house, this property? - Quale nomesas la persono habitanta ica domo, ica domeno?
203. His (her) name is... - Lu nomesas...
204. I must speak to him (her). - Oportas ke me parolez a lu.
205. Please show me... - Montrez a me, me pregas:
206. the granary. - la granario.
207. the horse-stable. - la kavaleyo.
208. the stable. - la stablo.
209. the sheep pen. - la mutoneyo.
210. the kitchen. - la koqueyo.
211. the W.C. - la latrino.
212. Is this shed at liberty? - Kad ica hangaro esas libera?
213. There is accomodation for ... and ... horses here. - On povus lojigar hike ... viri e ... kavali.
214. Could you supply me with ... - Kad vu povus furnisar a me ...
215. a room. - chambro.
216. a bed. - lito.
217. a bolster. - transversa kuseno.
218. some sheets. - littuki.
219. a fire. - fairo.
220. a light, a lamp. - lumo; lampo.
221. a pan. - marmito.
222. a dish. - pladego.
223. a plate (deep, flat). - plado (profunda, plata).
224. a glass; a cup. - glaso; taso.
225. a spoon. - kuliero.
226. a fork. - forketo.
227. a knife. - kultelo.
Accommodation at a Hotel. - Lojo en Hotelo.
228. Waiter. - Garsono.
229. Bring me: - Adportez a me:
230. some beer. - biro.
231. some wine (white, red). - vino (blanka, reda).
232. some water (cold, warm). - aquo (kolda, varma).
233. some eggs (soft boiled). - ovi (mole koquita).
234. some meat. - karno.
235. some vegetables. - legumi.
236. some salad. - salado.
237. some fish. - fisho.
238. some dessert. - desero.
239. some coffee; some chocolate. - kafeo; chokolado.
240. some tea. - teo.
241. some milk (cold, warm). - lakto (kolda, varma).
242. some butter. - butro.
243. coffee wwith milk. - kafeo kun lakto.
244. some sugar. - sukro.
245. some oil. - oleo.
246. some vinegar. - vinagro.
247. some salt. - salo.
248. some pepper. - pipro.
249. some mustard. - mustardo.
Purchases. - Kompri
250. I wish to buy from you: - Me volas komprar de vu:
251. a knitted vest, a woolen vest. - trikot-jileto; lana jileto.
252. a pair of drawers. - kalsono.
253. some socks (woolen) - kalzeti (lana).
254. some shirts (flannel). - kamizi (flanela).
255. a belt (flannel) - zono (flanela).
256. some pocket-handkerchiefs. - naztuki.
257. a pair of trousers (cloth, drill). - pantalono (drapa, kutia).
258. a cloak. - mantelo.
259. a tippet with a hood. - pelerino kun kapuco.
260. a garment, overcoat (mackintosh). - vesto (paltoto) kauchuka.
261. a complete outfit (cloth, drill). - kompleta vestaro (drapa, kutia).
262. a hat (felt, straw). - chapelo (felta, palia).
263. a pair of breeches. - bracho.
264. some thread (black, white). - filo (nigra, blanka).
265. some needles. - aguli.
266. some pins. - pinguli.
267. a pair of scissors. - cizo.
268. a comb. - pektilo.
269. a brush. - brosilo.
270. a razor. - razilo.
271. a shaving brush - barbo-pinselo.
272. some tobacco. - tabako.
273. some matches. - alumeti.
274. some candlles. - bujii.
275. some chocolate (two tablets). - chokolado (du tableti).
276. some confectionery. - konfitaji.
277. What is the price of this? - Quante kustas ico?
278. Write down the price. - Skribez la preco.
279. Give me something cheap, not so dear. - Donez a me ulo chipa, min chera.
Various Expressions. - Expresuri Diversa.
280. Good day. - Bona jorno.
281. Good evening. - Bona vespero.
282. Good night. - Bona nokto.
283. Fine walk. - Bona promenado.
284. Fine amusement. - Bona distrakteso.
285. How are you, how do you do? - Quale vu standas?
286. Well, rather well, very well. - Bone, pasable bone, tre bone.
287. Good-bye. Au revoir. - Adio. - Til rivido.
288. What do you want? - Quon vu deziras?
289. Do you understand me? - Kad vu komprenas me?
290. Yes, no. - Yes, no.
291. Don't speak so quickly; speak very slowly: I shall understand better. -
Ne parolez tante rapide; parolez tre lente: me plu bone komprenos.
292. Who is calling me? - Qua vokas me?
293. Whom do I see there? - Quan me vidas ibe?
294. How old are you? - Quante vu evas?
*For ages, see page 15.
295. What do you call this? - Quale vu nomizas ico?
296. What time is it? - Qua kloko esas?
*For time, see page 15.
297. Are you ready? - Kad vu esas pronta?
298. Where are your packages? - Ube esas vua paki?
299. Here they are. - Yen oli.
300. Are you coming? - Kad vu venas?
301. Come with me. - Venez kun me.
302. What is the weather like? - Quala esas la vetero?
303. It is fine, wretched. - La vetero esas bela, leda.
304. It is very doubtful, dry, damp. - La vetero esas dubebla, sika, humida.
305. It is raining. - Pluvas.
306. It is snowing. - Nivas.
307. It is hailing. - Grelas.
308. It is windy. - Ventas.
309. It is thundering; we will soon have a storm. - Tondras; ni balde havos sturmo.
310. The roads are very bad, quite muddy. - La voyi esas tre mala, tote fangoza.
311. Don't use that road: it is impassable for vehicles. - Ne uzez ta voyo: ol esas ne trairebla da veturi.
312. Am I on the right road to go to... - Kad me esas sur la bona voyo por irar a...
313. Yes, but you should turn to the right, to the left at the first, at the second road crossing this. -
Yes, ma vu turnos addextre, adsinistre ye l'unesma, ye la duesma voyo trairanta ica.
314. I am going to have breakfast. - Me iras dejunar.
315. to have dinner. - dinear.
316. to have supper. - supear.
317. Good appetite. - bon' apetito.
318. I greet you. - Me salutas vu (vi).
*Vi, when speaking to several persons.
319. Do you need anything? - Kad vu bezonas ulo?
320. I need a pen. - Me bezonas plumo.
*Add after bezonas what you require. See from 215 to 228, and from 230 to 276 for the name of such thing. See also from 106 to 118.
321. I require the doctor, the veterinary. - Me bezonas la mediko, la veterinaro, e.c.
*For the names of professional men and others to place with bezonas, see from 177 to 198.
322. Tell me who here can sell me some straw, oats, and bran. - Dicez a me qua hike povos vendar a me palio, aveno e brano.
323. Have you anything to do? - Kad vu havas ulo facenda?
324. I have a card to write and my post to fetch. - Me havas un karto skribenda e mea posto-livrajo querenda.
325. Has anyone come to enquire for me? - Kad ulu venis demandar me?
326. Yes, a boy who left that for you. - Yes, puerulo qua lasis to por vu.
327. Has the colonel returned? - Kad la kolonelo retrovenis?
328. Yes, and he said he would receive you if you came. - Yes, ed il dicis aceptar vu, se vu venus.
329. Has the herbalist brought the herbs which were ordered from him? -
Kad la herboristo adportis la herbori quin on komendis a lu?
330. He has brought I don't know how many parcels of them. Ha! you will be able to make some herb tea. -
Il adportis de oli me ne plus savas quanta paketi. Ha! vu povos facar tizano.

"I am an adherent of the International Language, a convinced adherent... The definite institution of the International
Language will be the greatest progress of civilization... Its success does not belong to the world of idle fancies... But
the diffusion of this greatly needed medium will be brought about by the energetic efforts of men of your zeal. It will be
realized notwithstanding the deplorable habit of thoughtlessness and its attendant unwholesome and discreditable
interests." - (From General G. Leman, Idist, the Defender of Lie^ge during his captivity, to the Editor of the Idist paper
"Ido will not displace the living languages, but will render it unnecessary for savants to be at the same time polyglots.
The simplicity of its morphology and syntax, as also the rigorous logic which controls its composition, destroys the
objections which can be raised. We most heartily wish the success of this interesting enterprise." - (La Revue
Augustinienne, 15th August, 1910.)

"The result is a language which everyone can learn quite easily. It has over other artificial languages the advantage of
being founded on scientific, technical and rational principles, and, consequently, there is no fear of its being replaced
some fine day by a better and essentially different language which would finally bring about victory." - (An appreciation
of Ido by the Great Danish Linguist Phoneticist, Otto Jespersen - Volney Prize.)
"It is an unpardonable error to institute as Esperanto has done a distinction between the accusative and the
nominative, a distinction which embarrasses all persons having a language of Roman origin and English, and which is
useless in other languages..." - (A. Meillet, Professor of Linguistics at the College de France, Revue Critique, 11th
March, 1911).
"The grammar of Ido better fulfils the requirements of an International Languages than that of Esperanto." - (The
same, Revue Critique, 11th March, 1911).


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