Ecclesiastes in Spanish: 1:1 - 1:6

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I'll probably keep doing Ecclesiastes in as many languages as I have an interest in. I found the mp3s for Ecclesiastes for this version in Spanish on this thread here, but I have no idea where they come from. I have them on my computer though and I might upload them to YouTube later on so that people won't have to download the whole thing all at once just to listen to one chapter.

Spanish should be easier to do than the version in Bulgarian considering all the resources at my (and everyone else's) fingertips for the language.
Here's the source.

The good thing about Spanish is that there will be more people to tell me when I'm wrong. The more the better.

  • 1:1 Éstas son las palabras del Maestro, hijo de David, rey en Jerusalén.
Éstas (these) son (are) las palabras (the words) del (of the) Maestro (Master), hijo de David (son of David), rey en Jerusalén (king in Jerusalem).

  • 1:2 Lo más absurdo de lo absurdo,
    —dice el Maestro—,
    lo más absurdo de lo absurdo,
    ¡todo es un absurdo!
Lo más absurdo (the most absurd) de lo absurdo (of the absurd), —dice el Maestro— (says the master), lo más absurdo (the most absurd) de lo absurdo (of the absurd), ¡todo es (everything is) un absurdo (an absurdity)!

  • 1:3 ¿Qué provecho saca el hombre
    de tanto afanarse en esta vida?
¿Qué provecho (what advantage) saca el hombre (obtains the man) de tanto (from that much) afanarse (labour oneself) en esta vida (in this life)?
  • 1:4 Generación va, generación viene,
    mas la tierra siempre es la misma.
Generación va (generation goes), generación viene (generation comes), mas (but) la tierra (the earth) siempre (always) es la misma (is the same).

  • 1:5 Sale el sol, se pone el sol,
    y afanoso vuelve a su punto de origen
    para de allí volver a salir.
Sale (goes out) el sol (the sun), se pone (sets) el sol (the sun), y (and) afanoso (laborious) vuelve (returns) a su punto (to its point) de origen (of origin) para (for) de allí (thence) volver a salir (re-emerge).

  • 1:6 Dirigiéndose al sur,
    o girando hacia el norte,
    sin cesar va girando el viento
    para de nuevo volver a girar.
Dirigiéndose (directing itself) al (to the) sur (south), o (or) girando (turning) hacia (toward) el norte (the north), sin cesar (without stopping) va (goes) girando (turning) el viento (the wind) para (for) de nuevo (again) volver a girar (re-turn).


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