Working on the creation of a single Turkic alphabet

Sunday, June 08, 2008

This is in a similar vein to the last post: a meeting on the 28th of May of culture ministers of Turkic states, and one of their goals is apparently the forging of a common Turkic alphabet (which I strongly support). Here's some information from the article:

Ministers from Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, six founder countries of TÜRKSOY, along with Altai, Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Sakha (Yakutia), Khakassia and Tuva republics of the Russian Federation, which hold observer status within TÜRKSOY, northern Cyprus and Gagauzie of Moldova will elect the next term president for TÜRKSOY.
TÜRKSOY's regular activities include bringing together Turkic painters, photographers and opera singers. TÜRKSOY has introduced important Turkic thinkers to the world and published their books, like that of Ahmed Yasevi, a 12th century Turkic poet born in Sayram in southern Kazakhstan, or Manas saga of Kirghiz people. Turkmen painter Murat Hocaliyev will receive an award during this year's meeting. TÜRKSOY has thus far organized art events in New York, Paris and London. The organization also contributes to the formation of a single Turkic alphabet, said Purtaş, which he said will help share cultural sharing among member states.
TÜRKSOY is a solely cultural organization, and does not seek any political or economic objectives. Six federal republics of Russia have observer status in TÜRKSOY, as they have the right to decide on cultural affairs within the Russian Federation, Purtaş emphasized. “Thanks to these republics, Turkey can conduct its relations with Russia in a healthier manner. It sees Turkic people in Russia as a bridge in its relations with Moscow. Turkey is in communication with Moscow on its relations with these republics. Russian culture ministers have participated before as honorary guests in TÜRKSOY meetings,” said Purtaş.
I think I'll visit their home page tomorrow and see if there's any interesting material to translate and show here.

I'm predicting a surge of interest in Turkish/Turkic languages here in Korea and also in Japan (and Mongolia as well I assume), and I've been trying to promote the language to people I know here as it's extremely easy to find pieces of information about energy ministers visiting Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and the rest (the Korean prime minister Han Seung-soo (한승수) for example just finished a 10-day visit to Central Asia) and this is only going to grow. Add to that how well things may go in Cyprus and Turkmenistan beginning to open up, and I think interest in the language is going to come out of nowhere here in Korea/Japan, especially given the fact that it's that much easier to study than English. My guess is that barring any disasters (something happening between Azerbaijan and Armenia for example) this will happen within the next two to three years.


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