NATO sends 10 more ships to the Black Sea / NATO 10 gemi daha yolluyor
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Important cities along the Black Sea and their populations: Constanţa (306,000 with a metro of 550,000), Istanbul (11,372,613), Odessa (1,001,000), Mangalia (41,153), Burgas (229,250), Varna (357,752 with a metro of 416,000), Kherson (358,000), Sevastopol (379,200), Yalta (80,552), Kerch (158,165), Novorossiysk (281,400), Sochi (328,809), Sukhumi (43,700), Năvodari (34,669), Poti (47,149), Batumi (121,806), Trabzon (275,137), Samsun (439,000) Ordu (190,143) and Zonguldak (104,276).
This piece of news in Turkish from today is from Hurriyet.
NATO 10 gemi daha yolluyorNATO sends 10 more ships
Batılı ülkeler için Kafkasya’da en kötü senaryolardan biri gerçek olurken Rusya, Karadeniz’de gerginliğin artacağı işaretini verdi.As the worst-case scenario for Western nations becomes reality in the Caucasus, Russia has given a signal that will increase tension in the Black Sea.
Rusya Genelkurmay Başkan Yardımcısı General Anatoliy Nogovitsin, "Karadeniz’de bulunan sekiz NATO savaş gemisine önümüzdeki günlerde on yeni savaş gemisi daha eklenmesi söz konusu. Böylece Karadeniz’deki NATO filosu 18 savaş gemisine çıkartılıyor. Üstelik son 10 gemi ABD’nin daha önceden kurnazca açıklamalar yaparak Gürcistan’a insani yardım yüküyle gelmiyor. Gürcistan marketlerinde yeterince bebek bezi var. Karadeniz’e giriş yapmaları beklenen yeni gemilerin tamamı savaş durumuna uygun teçhizatla donatılmış durumda" dedi.Deputy chief of the Russian Armed Forces General Staff Anatoliy Nogovitsin said that "We're talking about having ten new warships added to the eight NATO warships presently in the Black Sea in the next few days. Here the NATO fleet in the Black Sea should be 18 warships. In addition, for the last 10 ships the United States made a few cunning announcements and then didn't end up coming to Georgia with humanitarian aid cargo. There are enough diapers in the Georgian markets. The new ships waiting to enter the Black Sea are completely equipped for a state of war."
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