Oil from Azerbaijan to go through Iran / Azerbaycan petrolü İran üzerinden gidiyor

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Here's a short article from hurriyet.com.tr about how Azerbaijan is using Iran as an alternative source to transport excess crude oil for the time being as the Baku-Supsa Pipeline is still shut down. You can see from the map that the only way for Azerbaijan to transport its oil to the West is either through Georgia, through Armenia (no way that's happening), or through Iran. Yet another region why Georgia has such strategic importance in the region in spite of its small size and lack of natural resources.

It's interesting how this works when both countries are oil producers: one country (Azerbaijan) ships oil to the nearest feasible point in the other country (Iran), whereupon the latter keeps that oil there and just ships out the same amount of oil from another point. This is something that a country like Georgia can't do.

Azerbaycan petrolü İran üzerinden gidiyor
Azerbaijan oil to go through Iran
Azerbaycan petrolünün İran üzerinden Avrupa pazarına ulaştırılmasına başlandığı bildirildi.
Azerbaijan oil has begun to be transported to the European market through Iran.
İran devlet televizyonunun Petrol Bakanlığı'na dayandırarak verdiği habere göre, Azerbaycan günde 5 ila 10 bin varil ham petrolü İran üzerinden Avrupa pazarına transfer edecek.
According to news given by Iranian state television, Azerbaijan will transfer 5 to 10 thousand barrels per day of crude oil through Iran to the European market.
Bakü-Supsa boru hattının Gürcistan'daki çatışmalarda devre dışı kalması üzerine Azerbaycan, ilk parti ham petrolü, Bakü'nün güneyindeki Sangaçal limanından İran'ın Hazar Denizi'ndeki Neka limanına transfer etti. İran, aynı miktardaki ham petrolü, Basra Körfezi'nden Batılı şirketlere teslim edecek.
As the Baku-Supsa oil pipeline is not being put to use due to the conflicts in Georgia, Azerbaijan transferred the first part of its crude oil from the harbour of Sangachal south of Baku to the harbour of Nekar in Iran's part of the Caspian Sea. Iran will transfer the same amount of crude oil to companies from the Persian Gulf to Western markets.
Azerbaycan, Bakü-Supsa boru hattından günde 90 bin varil ham petrol ihraç ediyordu.
Azerbaijan had been exporting 90,000 barrels of crude oil from the Baku-Supsa pipeline.


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