Some more spoken news in classical Latin - Mala tempora omnibus, qui eurone utuntur

Friday, August 08, 2008

The online Latin newspaper Ephemeris has another article online with an audio file of the same news here; it's about the Euro and inflation. From what I can tell (and I could be wrong, having never learned Latin) it's about how inflation in June increased by 4.1%, the most since 1997, the European Bank doesn't want inflation to be above 2%, and that high oil prices are behind a lot of it.

Here's the article:

Mala tempora omnibus, qui eurone utuntur

Inflatio in civitatibus quae eurone fruuntur mense Julio ad quattuor puncta et unum decimum pro centum pervenit: pretiorum incrementum numquam ab anno MCMXCVII tantum fuerat. Argentaria Europaea hoc sibi proponit, ne inflatio extra terminum duorum punctorum excedat. Divitiarum auctu lentiore facto, laboris defectus interea increscit, septem puncta pro centum superans: apud Hispanos decimus quisque, apud Germanos quartus decimus quisque opera caret.

Cum autem pretia petrolei ideoque cibariorum recentissimis mensibus increvisset, Argentaria Europaea fenus a quattuor ad quattuor et quartam partem augere constituit: sed plerique oeconomiae studiosi putant iterum fenus Europaeum anno proximo auctum iri, quod difficultates civitatum et officinarum etiam increscere putent. Civibus euriferae Europae nullus faustus nuntius exspectandus est.

The most interesting part is the audio file though, so listen to that. There's also a very long interview on robotics here translated from Spiegel Online, so Ephemeris isn't just about tiny news clips a paragraph or two at a time.


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