Georgia splits Central Europe / Georgia splitter Sentral-Europa

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Napolean Spa in Piestany / Piešťany

Source: (Norwegian)
Georgia splitter Sentral-Europa
Georgia splits Central Europe

Piestany (NTB-AFP): Presidentene fra fire sentraleuropeiske land klarte ikke å samles om et felles syn på Georgia-konflikten under et toppmøte i Slovakia.
The presidents from four Central European countries could not get together on a common vision on the conflict in Georgia during a summit in Slovakia.
Tsjekkia, Ungarn, Slovakia, Polen og Slovakias presidenter var derimot enige om at uenigheten om Kosovos uavhengighet bidro til kampene i Kaukasus.
The presidents of Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and Slovakia were agreed, however, that the disagreement on Kosovo's independence contributed to the fighting in the Caucasus.
Etter toppmøtet i den slovakiske byen Piestany kom de fire presidentene også med en felles fordømmelse av maktbruken i konflikten mellom Russland og Georgia.
After the summit in the Slovakian city of Piestany the four presidents came together in a joint condemnation of the use of power in the conflict between Russia and Georgia.
Tsjekkias president Václav Klaus opplyste at de fire landene har tilbudt en økonomisk støttepakke til Kaukasus-regionen.
Czech President Václav Klaus said that the four countries have offered a financial support package to the Caucasus region.

Publisert (published) 14.09.2008 - 00:21 | Endret (amended): 14.09.2008 - 00:21


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