Kazakhstan supports the European Union plan on the crisis in Georgia / Kazakistan, Gürcistan krizinde AB'nin planını destekliyor

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Here's some news from Deutsche Welle in Turkish on the visit to Kazakhstan by the German president. The EU's resolution was a bit weak (no sanctions, some criticism and slight threat to take another look in six months' time, sending 100 observers to the borders between Georgia and the two breakaway regions) but anything stronger probably wouldn't get any support from an ally like Kazakhstan, from what I understand.

Kazakistan, Gürcistan krizinde AB'nin planını destekliyor
Kazakhstan supports EU plan on the Georgian crisis
Rusya'nın müttefiki Kazakistan, Gürcistan krizinin çözümünde Avrupa Birliği'nin çizgisine destek veriyor. Ülkeyi ziyaret eden Almanya Cumhurbaşkanı Horst Köhler ile görüşen Kazakistan Devlet Başkanı Nursultan Nazarbayev, Rusya'nın Gürcistan'a askeri müdahalesini anlayışla karşıladıklarını, ancak krizin çözümü için Avrupa Birliği'nin hazırladığı planın tüm maddelerinin yerine getirilmesinden yana olduklarını söyledi. Kazakistan'a yaptığı iki günlük ziyaret, Köhler'in bir haftalık Asya gezisinin ilk durağı. Köhler'in Kazakistan'daki temaslarında, ülkeden Avrupa Birliği'ne petrol ve doğal gaz sevkiyatı da ele alındı.
Russia's ally Kazakhstan is giving its support to the European Union's line for a solution to the crisis in Georgia. The president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev met with the German President Horst Köhler in his visit to the country. Nazarbayev said that they understood Russia's military intervention in Georgia, but that they agreed that for a solution to the crisis all matters of the plan prepared by the European Union had to be fulfilled. The two-day visit to Kazakhstan is Köhler's first stop in a one-week trip to Asia. In his meetings in Kazakhstan he will also deal with oil and gas shipping from Kazakhstan to the European Union.


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