'A Turkish library for every country' project delivers free books to libraries around the world / Her ülkeye bir Türk kitaplığı!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Café Central in Vienna.

I think this is the library in Vienna the article is talking about, though it changed its name from 2006 from Wiener Stadt- und Landesbibliothek (Vienna City and State Library) to Wienbibliothek im Rathaus (Vienna Library in City Hall). Just in case it's the wrong one I'll just write it as "Vienna City Library" below.

Must remember to check whether they plan to send free books to Korea as well.

Source: sabah.com.tr (Turkish)
Her ülkeye bir Türk kitaplığı!
A Turkish library for every country!

Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı'nın, "Her Ülkeye Bir Türk kitaplığı" projesi kapsamında, Viyana Şehir Kütüphanesi'ne 400 kitap bağışlandı. Türkçe, Almanca ve İngilizce dillerinde kaleme alınan ve tarih, kültür, sanat, turizm konulu kitaplarla romanlardan oluşan 400 kitap, Türkiye'nin Viyana Başkonsolosu Sedat Önal tarafından kütüphaneye teslim edildi. Kentin en zengin kütüphanesi olarak bilinen Viyana Şehir Kütüphanesi, Türkiye'den yapılan 400 kitaplık bağışla birlikte, 1300 kitaplık bir Türkiye bölümüne sahip oldu. Viyana Şehir Kütüphanesinden istenen kitap, ücretsiz olarak ödünç alınabiliyor.
The Ministry of Tourism and Culture has donated 400 books to the Vienna City Library in the "A Turkish library for every country" program. The 400 books are written in Turkish, German and English and are composed of books on history, culture, art, tourism and novels, and were delivered by Turkey's Consul to Vienna Sedat Önal. Vienna City Library is one of the richest libraries in the city, and with the sending of the corpus of 400 from Turkey it now has a Turkish section of 1300. Books can be taken out from the Vienna City Library free of cost.


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