Differences between Spanish and Portuguese / Aspectos comparativos entre o espanhol e o português

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Spanish plus Portuguese.

I just noticed someone I know putting up this link on Wikipedia, a page in Portuguese that is a good overview of the differences between the two. You don't even really have to know much Portuguese to understand most of it.

Here's one example:

Relacionamos algumas palavras heterogenéricas mais usadas:





a árvore

el árbol

o cárcere

la cárcel

a dor

el dolor

o costume

la costumbre

a fraude

el fraude

o legume

la legumbre

a cor

el color

o leite

la leche

a ponte

el puente

o mel

la miel

a desordem

el desorden

o nariz

la nariz

a origem

el origen

o sal

la sal

a estréia

el estreno

o sangue

la sangre

a guia

el guía

o sinal

la señal


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