Ghana may extend French-language education to primary school

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Ghana in red, surrounded by French-speaking countries.

Well, perhaps. Here's what this article says:
An appeal has gone to the Ghana Education Service (GES) to make the teaching of French in the Primary School a priority to help unearth aptitudes and generate interest at the Junior/Senior High Levels.
The appeal was necessitated by the generally poor performance of the school’s candidates in French in this year’s examination and attributed the situation to the late introduction of the rudiments of the subject which makes students to become repulsive to it, perceiving the language as difficult.
He maintained that, the need for the study of French at the Primary level is more urgent now than any other time in the face of globalization and also for the fact that Ghana is geographically surrounded by Francophone countries.
This is more proof that languages are not simply destined to become whittled down by the spread of English (the so-called cannibalistic language theory as I refer to it; there's probably another more official name for the theory), but that regional factors are much more important. This is why Trinidad & Tobago, an English-speaking country, decided in 2005 to become a Spanish-speaking country:
Trinidad and Tobago declared in 2005 that it aspired to become a Spanish-speaking
country by 2020, setting a target of having at least 30% of public employees to be proficient within 5 years. Ironically, Trinidad and Tobago has been a popular study destination for Venezuelans learning English, but the language trade may now reverse with a shortage of qualified Spanish teachers on the islands.


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