La messe en latin réclamée - article in French on the return of the Latin mass in Quebec

Thursday, October 16, 2008

La 3e avenue à Limoilou, dans le 6e arrondissement de la ville de Québec. The church where you can hear the mass in Latin is probably somewhere close to here.

Source: (French)

This article is from last month about the resurgence of the Latin mass in Quebec as well, in the arrondisement of Limoilou in Quebec City. It's quite long so I only translated (okay, mucked through) two paragraphs. It's generally the same as the English articles you find on the mass though, except that it's heavier on church politics (one reason why I didn't want to do more than a few paragraphs) and doesn't have so much about the language itself and why people like hearing the mass in Latin again.

Le rite «tridentin», de son vrai nom, a longtemps été la norme. Il est célébré en latin et a cette particularité que le prêtre fait dos à l'assistance - ses défenseurs disent plutôt qu'il fait «face à Dieu». Dans les années 60, le Concile Vatican II a réformé cette liturgie (sans pour autant l'interdire) afin que les curés s'adressent aux fidèles directement et dans leur langue. En juillet 2007, cependant, le pape Benoît XVI s'est prononcé en faveur d'un retour à la messe en latin, sous certaines conditions, et le cardinal Marc Ouellet semble y être favorable.
The "trident" rite as known by its real name, was the norm for a long time. It is celebrated in Latin and has a particularity in which the priest has his back to the congregation* - its defenders say that it is done "facing God". In the 1960s, the 2nd Vatican Council reformed this liturgy (but without forbidding it) so that the priests would address the faithful directly and in their language. In July 2007, however, the pope Benedict XVI called for a return to the mass in Latin, under certain conditions, and the cardinal Marc Ouellet appears to be in agreement.
Elle donc est revenue à Québec l'an dernier, à l'église Saint-François d'Assise, dans Limoilou, où quelques dizaines de gens y assistaient au début. L'assemblée compterait maintenant jusqu'à 150 personnes le dimanche selon plusieurs témoins ; ils n'étaient toutefois qu'une soixantaine lorsque Le Soleil s'est rendu sur place, le 7 septembre.
It therefore returned to Quebec last year at the church of Saint-François d'Assise in Limoilou, where a few dozen people attended the debut. The assembly now has up to 150 people on Sunday according to several witnesses; they were however were no more than some sixty or so when Le Soleil visited the place on the 7th of September.


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