Spoken Latin news on tumult in Thailand: De Thailandiae tumultibus

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Thailandia sive Thaia sive Regnum Thaiorum est natio in paeninsula Indo-Sinatica/Asia locatur.

Ephemeris has another spoken Latin news article here (among others with text only) on the current situation in Thailand. As I've said before, this pronunciation for me is about as close to ideal as possible, with no weird extra lengthening of the long vowels or ending up in a weird singsong-like voice that you can often hear in Latin textbooks.

One part of the article (November 23):
Catervae militum et custodum publicorum invigilantes iussae sunt non armis igneis sed scutis tantum et fustibus multitudini resistere. Martis et Saturni diebus militiae turbas tanta cum vi aggressae sunt, ut duo reclamantes interierint, deni sauciati sint. Centum milia oppositorum ante senatum diei Solis vesperi vel postridie conventuri esse putantur. "Dies libertatis erit - ait Chokchuang Chutinaton, unus ex rebellium ducibus - ultimus erit ictus, ut regimen subvertatur."
Somebody should pay this person to write and record these articles daily.


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