Russia's Dmitri Peskov (Дмитрий Сергеевич Песков) is fluent in Turkish

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dmitri Peskov is fluent in Turkish.

Interesting, and also a good source for Turkish students. Take a look at this article:

Rusya Başbakanı Vladimir Putin'in Yardımcısı Dmitriy Peskov, Rusya'nın Sesi radyosuna Türkçe olarak Rusya-Türkiye ilişkileri, küresel ve bölgesel konularda önemli açıklamalarda bulundu.
Dmitry Peskov, Russia's press attaché for Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, made a few important statements on Voice of Russia radio's Turkish edition on Russian-Turkish relations, global and regional issues.
Demecinde, global ekonomik kriz ile ilgili açıklamalar yapan Peskov, Rusya'nın ekonomik krize hazırlıklı olduğunu, Rusya ekonomisinin son 10 yıl içerisinde çok büyüdüğünü belirtti.
Peskov spoke about the global economic crisis, saying that Russia was ready for the economic crisis, and that the Russian economy had grown much over the last 10 years.
Rusya ekonomisinin genel olarak enerji ihracatına bağlı olduğunu ve son 10 yılda enerji fiyatlarının yüksek olmasından dolayı Rusya'nın ciddi bir altın ve döviz rezervine sahip olduğunu ifade etti.
He said that the Russian economy was on the whole connected to energy exports and that due to the high energy prices over the last 10 years Russia had obtained significant amounts of gold and foreign currency reserves.

...and so on. The really good part for Turkish students though is that the article gives a link to this page on Voice of Russia, which has the video of the interview and the transcript as well.

Edit: his resume says (thanks to Google; I don't know any Russian besides the script) he spent four years in Ankara from 1990 to 1994 working at the Russian embassy there, and was the first then second secretary at the embassy from 1996 to 2000.

I don't know anything about him but I bet after his current service is over he goes back there to retire.


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