President Obama's Weekly Address from January 31 2009 with subtitles in Occidental

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Here's the second of President Obama's weekly addresses that I'm uploading to YouTube and subtitling in Occidental. I've gotten a bit more than a minute done this afternoon and will be working on it a bit more this evening, and might even finish it by then, in which case I'll update this post.

Edit: Done!

This morning I'd like to talk about some good news and some bad news as we confront our economic crisis.Homatine yo vole parlar pri un bon nova, e un mal nova quande noi confronta nor crise economic.

The bad news is well known to Americans across our country as we continue to struggle through unprecedented economic turmoil.Li mal nova es bon conosset a americanes in nor land, quande noi continua a luctar in li tumultu economic sin precedentie.

Yesterday we learned that our economy shrank by nearly 4 percent from October through December. Yer, noi audit que nor economie contraet se in un gradu de presc 4 percent de octobre a decembre.

That decline was the largest in over a quarter century, and it underscores the seriousness of the economic crisis that my administration found when we took office.Ti diminution esset lu max grand in plu quam un quart de un centennie, e it emfasa li seriositá del crise economic quel mi administration trovat quande noi comenset nor servicie.

Already the slowdown has cost us tens of thousands of jobs in January alone. And the picture is likely to get worse before it gets better.Li lentore ja ha resultat in un perde de employament de decenes de milles, solmen in januar. E it es probabil que li situation va devenir plu mal ante que it deveni plu bon.

Make no mistake, these are not just numbers. Behind every statistic there's a story. Ne miscomprende, to ne es solmen númeres. Detra chascun statistica on trova un raconta.

Many Americans have seen their lives turned upside down. Families have been forced to make painful choices.
Mult americanes ha videt lor vives totmen renversat. Families ha devet far decisiones desfacil.

Parents are struggling to pay the bills. Patients can't afford care.Genitores have desfacilitá in payar lor facturas. Patientes ne have li moné por cuida.

Students can't keep pace with tuition. And workers don't know whether their retirement will be dignified and secure.Studiantes ne posse sequer li augmentation del precie de instruction. E laboreros ne save ca lor vive pos demissionament va haver dignitá e securitá.

The good news is that we are moving forward with a sense of urgency equal to the challenge. Li bon nova es que noi nu avansa con un sense de urgentie quel es egal a ti tache.

This week the House passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan, which will save or create more than 3 million jobs over the next few years.Hosemane li Dom aprobat li Plan de Resanation e Reinvestitura American, quel va salvar o crear plu quam 3 million positiones de employament in li sequent annus.

It puts a tax cut into the pockets of working families, and places a down payment on America's future by investing in energy independence and education, affordable health care, and American infrastructure.It da un reduction de impostes al tascas de families laborant, e fa un investitura inicial al futur de America per investir in índependentie de energie e education, cuida de sanitá disponabil, e infrastructure american.
Now this recovery plan moves to the Senate. I will continue working with both parties so that the strongest possible bill gets to my desk.
Nu, ti Plan de Resanation move se al Senat. Yo va continuar laborar con ambi partises por que li max fort lege-projecte possibil va venir a mi scri-table.
With the stakes so high we simply cannot afford the same old gridlock and partisan posturing in Washington.
Pro que li riscage es tant alt, noi simplicmen ne posse continuar con li sam blocage e attitudes partisan trovat in Washington.
It's time to move in a new direction.
Li témpore ha venit por mover nos in un nov direction.
Americans know that our economic recovery will take years -- not months.
Americanes save que nor resanation economic va besonar annus -- ne menses.
But they will have little patience if we allow politics to get in the way of action, and our economy continues to slide.
Ma ili va haver poc patientie si noi permisse politica obstructer action, e si nor economie continua a glissar ad-infra.
That's why I am calling on the Senate to pass this plan, so that we can put people back to work and begin the long, hard work of lifting our economy out of this crisis.
Pro to yo recomenda fortmen que li Senat aproba ti plan, por que noi va posser reposir li gente in lor labores, e comensar li long, desfacil labor por levar nor economie de ti crise.
No one bill, no matter how comprehensive, can cure what ails our economy.
Null sol lege-projecte, sin egarda qual extensiv it es, posse curar to quo fa malad nor economie.
So just as we jumpstart job creation, we must also ensure that markets are stable, credit is flowing, and families can stay in their homes.
Dunc, just quande noi da un ímpetu al labor-creation, noi deve anc far cert que mercates es stabil, credite flue, e que families posse remaner in lor hemes.
Last year Congress passed a plan to rescue the financial system.
In li annu passat, Congress aprobat un plan por salvar li sistema financial.
While the package helped avoid a financial collapse, many are frustrated by the results -- and rightfully so.
Benque li paquette assistet evitar un cade financial, mult es frustrat vident li resultates -- e ili have rason a pensar talmen.
Too often taxpayer dollars have been spent without transparency or accountability.
Es tre sovente que li dollares de impostatores es consumat sin transparentie o responsabilitá.
Banks have been extended a hand, but homeowners, students, and small businesses that need loans have been left to fend on their own.
Bankes ha recivet auxilie, ma dom-proprietarios, studiantes, e micri companies queles besona prestas ha esset forlasset sin auxilie.
And adding to this outrage, we learned this week that even as they petitioned for taxpayer assistance, Wall Street firms shamefully paid out nearly $20 billion in bonuses for 2008.
Adplu a ti excesse, noi audit hosemane que mem quande ili suplicat por li auxilie de impostatores, firmas de Wall Street impudentmen payat plu quam $20 milliard in extra dividendes por 2008.
While I'm committed to doing what it takes to maintain the flow of credit, the American people will not excuse or tolerate such arrogance and greed.
Benque yo totmen intende far to quo es necessi a mantener li currente de credite, li popul american ne va excusar ni tolerar tal arogantie e avaritá.
The road to recovery demands that we all act responsibly, from Main Street to Washington to Wall Street.
Li rute a resanation exige que noi omni acte responsabilmen, de Main Street a Washington a Wall Street.
Soon my Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner, will announce a new strategy for reviving our financial system that gets credit flowing to businesses and families.
Bentost mi Secretario de Fisco, Tim Geithner, va anunciar un nov strategie por revivificar nor sistema financial quel fa credite fluer a companies e families.
We'll help lower mortgage costs and extend loans to small businesses so they can create jobs.
Noi va assister diminuer li custas de hipoteca e extender prestas a micri companies por que ili posse crear employament.
We'll ensure that CEOs are not draining funds that should be advancing our recovery. And we will insist on unprecedented transparency, rigorous oversight, and clear accountability --
Noi va far cert que CEOs ne drena capitale quel deve avansar nor resanation. E noi va insiste ye transperentie sin precedentie, supervision rigorosi, e responsabilitá clar --
so taxpayers know how their money is being spent and whether it is achieving results.
por que impostatores save qualmen lor moné es consumat, e ca it efectua resultates.
Rarely in history has our country faced economic problems as devastating as this crisis.
Tot rarmen in li historie de nor pais it ha incontrat problemas economic tam devastant quam ci crise.
But the strength of the American people compels us to come together.
Ma li fortie del popul american obliga nos a unir junt.
The road ahead will be long, but I promise you that every day that I go to work in the Oval Office I carry with me your stories, and my administration is dedicated to alleviating your struggles and advancing your dreams.
Li rute in avan de nos va esser long, ma yo promessa a vos que chascun die quande yo ea a laborar in li Oval Office yo porta con me vor histories, e mi administration es devoet a aleviar vor penas e avanser vor desires.
You are calling for action. Now is the time for those of us in Washington to live up to our responsibilities.
Vu exige action. Nu es li témpore in quel noi, qui es in Washington, deve satisfar nor responsabilitás.


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