TIKA opens Turkish course in Montenegro / TİKA Karadağ'da Türkçe kursu açtı

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Podgorica (Podgoritsa diye okunur.) (Sırpça: Подгорица) Karadağ'ın başkentidir. Belediye sınırları 1,441 km²dir. Kent nüfusu 137,000, kırsal kesim nüfusu ise 170,000 kadardır.

Note: TİKA = Türk İşbirliği ve Kalkınma İdaresi Başkanlığı (Turkish Ministry of Cooperation and Development Management)

Source: dunyabulteni.net (Turkish)

The article mentions a ton of names and some fluff from speeches that probably doesn't need to be translated so I'll just summarize the important parts:

A Turkish language course has been opened in the Montenegro University Institute of Foreign Languages, in the capital of Montenegro Podgoritsa (Подгорица). This is the first Turkish language course to be opened in the city.

Then the Turkish Ambassador to Montenegro mentioned that the course would be good for capitalizing on opportunities with the increasing Turkish investment in the country, as well as strengthening relations with a large number of Bosniak Montenegrans that have immigrated to Turkey.

So how big a city is Podgoritsa? Not all that big:

Yıl Nüfus
1948 14,369
1953 19,868
1961 35,054
1971 61,727
1981 96,074
1991 117,875
2003 136,473


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