Learning Indonesian and interested in international / religious politics?

Monday, June 01, 2009

Then do I have the book for you. It's called Ilusi Negara Islam (the Illusion of an Islamic Nation), and is about why a strong national identity, secularism and moderate religion trump radical ideologies, especially Wahhabism. And on top of that, it's free. It's a bit over 300 pages in length. There's nothing better for a (geo-)political junkie studying a foreign language than finding a free book in the target language in a subject like this. On top of that it was recently published so it gives you a lot to talk about when practicing the language with someone.


Anonymous said...

Apparently, the author has never seen this site, nor read any of the books on this this site:


Me said...

Hm? None of those books are in Indonesian.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, the author has never seen this site, nor read any of the books on this this site:


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