Best language to learn for Madrid court interpreter: Romanian
Thursday, August 09, 2012
That would seem to be the conclusion to draw from this article:
Romanian is the most requested language in the courts of Madrid with 28.29% of the total demand in the first half of 2012. Following Romanian were Arabic (15.28%), Mandarin (11.28%), English (7.5%), Wolof (4.89%), Bulgarian (4.44%), Portuguese (2.77%), French (2.67%), Russian (2.64%), and Bengali (2.5%).It then continues with the ten least requested languages, a weird list to have in the first place because the least requested languages should be those that were requested a total of zero times: probably about 6000 or so languages should fit in there given that there are about 7000 total languages in the world. And one of the languages requested there is extra strange:
el azerí, el bamileké, el broken english, el chino gingtian, el dariya, el finés, el guaraní, el igbo, el luganda y el nepalíel broken english?
No idea what that means. Unless somebody just wrote that down on a court document and it thus had to be recorded as an official request.
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