Germany in 1912: Images 81 to 90

Friday, June 06, 2014

Hygiene for children. -- Physical culture is honored in Germany and in the schools the children are required to perform daily exercises in gymnastics and flexibility.

Public baths, large in number and very comfortable, give the public access to pools, hot and cold baths, showers, etc., for very modest prices.

Spreewald. -- In this beautiful country bereft of roads, deliveries of any kind are made using flat-bottomed boats, and the drivers themselves have their own canoe for home delivery of daily mail.

The banks of the Rhine between Mainz and Cologne are full of renowned sites where the picturesque vies with the grandiose. Here is the curious Rheinstein Castle which stands majestically on the rock peak.

Schools in open air. -- The Waldschule (forest school) of Charlottenburg is located in a vast forest of which it occupies two hectares. It is open from Aprel to December. Resting hour.

When the weather is bad the children nap after meals in a shed open to the south and protected from the rain by a projecting roof.

During the summer the courses and lessons are done in the relaxing calm of the forest. A lesson in natural history.

To the delight of the schoolchildren, pleasure and utility are brought together. Besides the object-oriented lessons, here is a course in music.

Mainz. Overview. -- The old city with its approximately 115,000 souls is pretty, pleasant and beautifully maintained. It gives more an impression of a city of luxury than a city of work.

Schillerplatz. -- It is on this spot that military concerts take place on Sunday, and where the officers and soldiers of the Grande Armée of Napoleon casually and brilliantly paraded by 120 years ago.


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