BBC a pretty good place to study mid-level Persian

Monday, December 08, 2008

One of the tricks in learning a language that doesn't have all that much online content for students is to first do what you can in the beginning (since basic information is generally pretty easy to find) and then after reaching a certain level, look for content in the language you are studying for those learning a language you already know (English, maybe German/Spanish/French etc.). One example is BBC, where they have short English articles with Persian explanations like this one. Here is the bottom part of the page for example with the vocab explanations:

مجددا بررسی کرد

renewed scepticism
ابراز تردید مجدد

impending collapse
فروپاشی قریب الوقوع، در اینجا: ورشکستگی قریب الوقوع

در اینجا: دست روی دست گذاشتن و اقدامی نکردن

an option
یک گزینه

without consensus
بدون توافق عمومی، بدون وجود اجماع

echoed the sentiments of
در اینجا: همان نظر و عقیده ( جورج بوش) را داشتند

در اینجا: قضیه، موضوع

called on
has called on Obama از اوباما خواسته است، اوباما را ترغیب کرده است

با اعتماد به نفس، قاطعانه

For those just getting used to pronunciation and writing, Deutsche Welle's Radio D (Deutsche Welle's Persian page has been down today so here's the English version) is probably the best. The problem with Radio D is that the characters are annoying and the dialogue is extremely inane, but there's no reason you can't skip over that part.


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