Grammar of Occidental/Interlingue in Occidental translated into English: part 14

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Here's part 14 of the English translation of the Haas grammar on Occidental in Occidental (from here) that I'm doing mostly for my own benefit....and now I'm done. I actually omitted one paragraph in the content below because it seemed a bit out of place in a text like this; it was about stability in language projects and wasn't really part of the main subject.

Now time to make this into a single document and put it up on

Textu de un disco de grammofon recivibil del Interlingue-CentraleText of a grammophone disk available from Interlingue-Central
Car auditores!
Dear listeners!
Yo parla a vos in li lingue international Interlingue. Li centre del international Interlingue Union ha fat li edition de ti disco de grammofon por demonstrar a omni interessates, que Interlingue ne sona quam un lingue artificial e constructet, ma quam un lingue tot natural e simil al lingues national. E si vu studia un textu in Interlingue, vu va constatar, que anc printat e scrit, li aspecte de ti lingue es egal a ti del grand lingues cultural del occidente con scrition per lítteres latin. Ti lítteres latin es usat in li maniere ja acustomat al maxim grand númere de europanes e americanes, e li unitari pronunciation es garantit, proque omnes have ja nu li ocasion acustomar se al normal pronunciation per li medie del discos de grammofon. E certmen pos un curt témpor on va anc in li radio-emissiones sempre plu e plu audir discurses e novas parlat in li lingue international Interlingue.I speak to you in the international language Interlingue. The centre of the International Interlingue Union has made the edition of this grammophone disk to demonstrate to all interested that Interlingue does not sound like an artificial or constructed language, but as a language completely natural and similar to national languages. And if you study a text in Interlingue, you will confirm, that printed and written, the aspect of that language is the same as those of the large cultural languages of the Occident written with Latin letters. Those Latin letters are used in the accustomed manner to the largest number of Europeans and Americans, and the unified pronounciation is guaranteed, because everyone now has the opportunity to get used to the normal pronounciation through grammophone disks. And certainly after a short time one will also hear in radio broadcasts always more and more discourses and news spoken in the international language Interlingue.
Si noi parla a un person pri Interlingue, on questiona nos sempre: Ma it existe ya ja altri lingues, queles nómina se mundlingue. Yes, on fat un grand reclame por ti lingues, e mult homes con imens entusiasme ha sacrificat durante plu quam sixant annus mult labor e enorm summas por li ideale de un lingue comun por omni popules del terra. Ma regretabilmen omni ti penas ne posset haver success, proque li munde ne accepta un lingue artificial, un lingue quel fa necessi reflecter in un maniere contrari al acustomation de omni nationes. Pro to on devet in prim trovar un lingue, quel contene li vermen international paroles, ma in lor formes natural, ne deformat per artificialmen adjuntet vocales e consonantes e síllabes. E anc li grammatica deve esser tam simplic quam possibil. It ne deve contener regules complicat, queles mem ne existe in li majorité del lingues national, quo pruva, que ti regules ne es necessi por li clar expression e comprension del pensas.If we speak to a person in Interlingue, they always ask us: but there already exist other languages that call themselves the world language. Yes, there has been much advertising for those languages, and many people with immense enthusiasm have sacrificed much work and enormous amounts over more than sixty years for the ideal of a common language for all peoples of the Earth. But regretably all these efforts have not been able to have success, because the world does not accept an artificial language, a language which makes it necessary to think in a manner contrary to the habit of all nations. Because of that it was necessary from the beginning to find a language that contains the real international words, but in their natural forms, not deformed by artificially added vowels and consonants and syllables. And also the grammar needs to be as simple as possible. It should not contain complicated rules which do not even exist in the majority of national languages, which proves that those rules are not necessary for the clear expression and comprehension of thoughts.

Pro to Edgar de Wahl, professor in Tallinn, Estonia, separat se del lingue-projectes artificial e serchat li solution del problema in un altri direction. Il studiat denov li lingues national self, e serchat li paroles e li regules grammatical ja existent in li maxim mult lingues cultural. Per li decovrition del talnominat “Regul de Wahl” il regularisat milles de extrem frequent paroles, queles li precedent projectes de lingue international devet excluder e vicear per artificial parol-constructiones. Ti Regul de Wahl es li miraculosi clave al sol lingue vermen international e in sam témpor regulari. Edgar de Wahl ha studiat scienties exact, linguistica e bell artes. Fórsan just ti mixtura de interesses e saventies fat possibil, que il trovat un lingue ínataccabil del vispunctu scientic, e in sam témpor ne desagreabil por li lingual sentiment. Interlingue es un lingue autonom e harmonic, e contene omni essential elementes del principal lingues de Europa e America. It es mult plu facil quam li precedent projectes de lingue international e íncomparabilmen plu simplic quam omni lingues national. Un lettre scrit in Interlingue es ja hodíe comprendet de omni persones del munde con relationes international. E proque nequí va serchar paroles plu international quam li paroles international self, nequí va far un proposition por un nov projecte de lingue international, pos li seriosi studie de Interlingue li sol lingue vermen international.

Because of that Edgar de Wahl, a professor in Tallinn, Estonia, removed himself from the artificial language projects and searched for the solution to the problem in another direction. He studied national languages once again himself, and searched out the words and the grammatical rules already existing in most cultural languages. With the discovery of the so-called "de Wahl's Rule" he regularized thousands of extremely frequent words, which the preceding international language projects had to exclude and change with artificial word constructions. This de Wahl's Rule is the miraculous key to the only language really international and regular at the same time. Edgar de Wahl has studied exact sciences, linguistics and the fine arts. Maybe just that mixture of interests and knowledges made it possible for him to find a language unattackable from the scientific viewpoint and at the same time not disagreeable for linguistic sentiment. Interlingue is an autonomous and harmonic language, and contains all essential
elements of the principal languages of Europe and America. It is much easier than the precedent international language projects and incomparably easier than all national languages. A letter written in Interlingue is already today understood by all people in the world in international relations. And because none will search for words more international than the international words themselves, no one will make a proposition for a new international language project, after serious study of Interlingue, the only truly international language.


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