Wikipedia article on bird vision (vision de aves) translated into Interlingua

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Image:Hawk eye.jpg
Un oculo de un falcon / A hawk eye

Another quite good new article just went on the main page in the did you know...? section, all about bird vision. I'm all translated out from the article on Tookoolito this morning, but I was able to do a few paragraphs from this one, and it was quite interesting. Here's the original English article, and the one in Interlingua. As always, I'm doing this to try to get some attention paid to IALs, and in general Interlingua gives the best first impression. If people end up learning other IALs as a result, that's a success as well.

English Interlingua

Vision is the most important of the senses for birds, since good eyesight is essential for safe flight, and this group therefore has a number of adaptations which give visual acuity superior to that of other vertebrate groups. The avian eye resembles that of a reptile, but has a better-positioned lens, a feature shared with mammals. It is relatively large, and movement is consequently limited within the eye's bony socket. In addition to the two eyelids always found in vertebrates, it is protected by a third transparent movable membrane. The eye's internal anatomy is similar to that of other vertebrates, but has a structure, the pecten, unique to birds.

Vision es le plus importante senso pro aves, proque bon viso es essential pro un salve volo, e dunque iste gruppo ha un numero de adaptationes que da un acuitate visual superior a altere gruppos vertebrate. Le oculo de un ave resimila le oculo de un reptile, ma ha un lente plus ben situate, que es un characteristica possedente in commun con le mammales. Illo es relativemente grande, e movimento dunque es limitate in le cavo ossee del oculo. In plus al duo palpebras que vertebrates ha, illo es protegite per un tertie membrana transperente e movibile. Le anatomia interne de un ave es simile a illos de altere vertebrates, ma illo ha un structura, le pecten, que solo aves ha.

Birds have four types of colour receptors in the eye, like fish, amphibians and reptiles but more than most mammals, which have two types, or primates, with three. This gives the ability to see into the ultraviolet part of the spectrum, and other adaptations allow for the detection of polarised light. Birds have proportionally more light receptors in the the retina than mammals, and more nerve connections between the photoreceptors and the brain. Aves ha quatro typos de receptores de color in le oculo, como in pisces, amphibios e reptiles, ma plus que le majoritate de mammales, que ha duo typos, o primates, que ha tres. Isto da le capacitate vider a in le region ultraviolette del spectro, e altere adaptationes da le capacitate deteger lumine polarisate. Aves ha proportionalmente plus receptores de lumine in le retina que mammales, e plus connexiones de nervos inter le photoreceptores e le cerebro.
Some bird groups have specific modifications to their visual system linked to their way of life. Birds of prey have a very high density of receptors, and other adaptations which maximise visual acuity, and have binocular vision to enable accurate judgement of distances. Nocturnal species have tubular eyes, low numbers of colour detectors, but a high density of cone cells which function well in poor light.Alicun gruppos de aves ha modificationes specific a su systema visual que es concatenate a su maniera de viver. Aves de preda ha un multe alte densitate de receptores, e altere adaptationes que augmenta a maximo su acuitate visual, e ha vision binocular pro render capace le accurate judicamento de distantias. Species nocturne ha oculos tubular, en basse numero de detectores de color, ma un alte densitate de cellulas cono que functiona ben in lumine basse.


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