Teaching Rust in Korean / 프로그래밍 언어 러스트를 배웁시다

Thursday, February 03, 2022

A year and more has passed since my last post. I now work as a Rust developer here in Korea after learning the language between 2019 and 2021 or so. (And continue to learn of course - there's no end to it, really) The Rust language is skyrocketing in popularity at the moment, at least in comparison to where it was some 2+ years ago. It's still not the first language that comes to mind for most companies, however, and Korea even more so as Korea is the sort of country that waits for something to become *really* mainstream before deciding to fully jump in. The result is a severe lack of learning materials for Rust in Korean. So to rectify this I started recording my Easy Rust videos in Korean, and have reached 75 or so by now (about 100 left to go). You can see the full playlist here. A lot of commenters have already told me that the videos have made the difference between not getting the language at all and finally understanding it, which is exactly what I hoped to see. If these videos result in a few dozen more people here in Korea having learned the language that couldn't before, then they'll have done their job.


The best part about Ultima 7: Serpent Isle

Monday, May 18, 2020

I suspect that some others might have done this back in the day, but the best part about Ultima 7: Serpent Isle for me was the geographer named Scots. He lives just outside the second city of Fawn, and when you talk to him he'll give you a map for free.

Just click on map and he'll give you one right away.

So then you have a map you can use. But if you talk to him again, he'll give you one more. And one more. And one more after that.

These maps are perfect squares, and because of that they stack on top of each other quite nicely. If you talk to him enough, you can start to build something.

We're getting the beginnings of a wall now,

Now we're surrounding him a bit (unfortunately it won't stop him if he wants to go as he'll just disappear):

Now the beginnings of a house:

If you place one map one level higher than the next, you can turn it into a staircase. Here we are talking to Scots from about eight maps high.

If you get into a fight, just run into your house...

...and stack the maps in the way. Now they can't get in. That's a Fawn guard stalking outside. Back in the day I hade something much larger than this complete with a bedroll, nightstand, candles etc. taken from the city, and would do things like run off to Monitor, strike a guard and run back into the house, board the entrance up with maps and get a good night's sleep while he raged impotently outside what used to be the entrance. In theory you might be able to cover almost every open space in Serpent Isle with them.


Micri liste de visas por laborar e viver in Korea

Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Hodie yo pensat que it vell esser util far un brevi explication pri li visas obtenibil in Korea. Korea es un land in quel li vive es facil por un forene, adminim si on have li visa necessi.

E-2: on obtene ti visa por docer foren lingues. Por obtener it on besona un graduation universitari. On pensa sovente que to vole dir 4 annus, ma in quelc universitás (e mult in li Unit Reyatu) solmen 3 annus es necessi! Lu important es haver un diploma quel porta li nómine Bachelor.

Por docer un foren lingue on deve esser un citean de un país quel usa it quam lingue national! In Korea to significa que solmen citeanes de 7 países posse obtener it por docer anglesi: Unit Reyatu, Unit States, Canada, Australia, Nov Zeland, Irland, e Sud Africa. Por li ultim on deve anc haver pruva har studiat in anglesi desde li scol medial in addition al diploma universitari.

Tre important: li lingue oficial del universitá! Mult Canadeses ha trovat se in un situation u su universitá, basat in Quebec, ha dat li impression al oficie de inmigration (ci bass Inmigration) ne saver anglesi! Yo ha mem audit pri li experientie de alqui qui havet problemas con su visa pro un certificate scrit in latin, quel es li custom in su universitá (yo crede que plu tard il ha successat obtener it ma li processe esset desfacil).

Con un tal visa on posse docer anglesi por un salarie de circa 2 - 2.5 million won. Mill won es circa 1 dollar, dunc on forprende tre zeros e to es li aproximativ salarie. Omni scolas deve dar al docente un loc a viver, o un stipendie mensual si li docente ne vole viver in it (si por exemple li docente ja have un). E quande li annu de servicie ha finit, li scola deve dar un mensu de salarie in plu. Finalmen li billete de avion (vade-retorn) es anc gratuit.

On posse vider pro quo in Korea trova se tam mult docentes de anglesi, nam pos esser ingageat li billete es gratuit, li dom, mem micri, es gratuit, e pos un semane on trova se in un nov land.

E-7: ti visa es por specialistes. Por obtener it on besona un masters (i.e. du annus de studies pos-graduatori), un bachelors con adminim un annu de experientie in su camp, o adminim quin annus de experientie. Li E-7 es dat solmen quande un firma ne posse trovar un Koreane qui posse plenar li exigenties del firma, e firmas sovente besona convicter Inmigration dar les it. Talmen, plu grand li firma, plu bon es li chances obtener it.

Alor quel persones posse obtener un tal visa con solmen annus de experientie? Precipue specialistes de IT. Yo ha audit pri persones qui simplicmen laborat quam programmatores sin education universitari, e pos plu quam 5 annus ha trovat un firma korean quel absolutmen volet ingagear les, e Inmigration comprendet que su habilitás esset desfacil trovar ci.

Li E-7 es usat anc por specialistes quam ingenieros. Li loc con li max grand númere de ingenieros nomina se Geoje-do, un insul in li lud proxim a Busan, li duesim max grand cité del país (tre proxim a Japan).

F-2: Li problema con un visa E es que on ne posse far altri labor quam to quel Inmigration ha permisset. It es ínlegal laborar in un altri loc sin permission de Inmigration. Consequentmen mult docentes fa letiones privat ma sempre cautmen, nam Inmigration vell posser descovrir les e expulser les del país. Li F visas es visas con queles on es licet laborar presc partú. Li F-2 (o plu precisimen li F-2-7 yo crede) es nominat li "visa de punctus" u pos un minimum de quelc annus de residentie Inmigration fa un calcul e si on supera li minimum, on obtene it. Inmigration fa li calcul secun li education, etá, conossentie de Korean, e quelc altri coses. Curtmen dit, si on have un masters, un bon certificate TOPIK (li exámine de competentie in korean), quelc annus de residentie on forsan posse obtener it.

F-6: Si on es maritat con un koreane, on posse obtener ti visa. Por que Inmigration va emisser it on deve monstrar que 1) on posse comunicar con su sponse, 2) on have un loc in quel vive, e que 3) on have un minimum de salarie. Ti 3 conditiones ne es desfacil, specialmen si on parla anglesi, nam presc omni koreane parla un poc anglesi. Li 3 conditiones esset fat por prevenir que un marita de un land quam Vietnam veni a Korea sin saver li lingue e devenir isolat e misusat. Por un mann quam yo it esset tre facil a obtener. (Yo retrovenit a Korea in 2018 con un E-7 e nu have en F-6).

F-5: Visa de long-terme residentie. Li F-6 visa, quam dit, es facil a obtener e renovar. Ma on deve restar maritat e usualmen on obtene it por un periode de 1 annu, quelcvez 2. P.ex. in junio yo va ear a Inmigration con un sol pezze de papere a monstrar a Inmigration quel yo es ancor maritat por obtener ancor un annu de permission. Li altri pruvas mentionat ci supra ja ne es besonat. Ma pos 2 annus con un F-6 on posse fa un aplication por un F-5, quel es un visa tre simil ma quel es *su propri* visa; divorciar fa nullcos a su statu legal quande on have un F-5. Con it on deve ear a Inmigration solmen unvez in 10 annus, e on posse votar. Ma in quant it acte se pri permission laborar, li F-6 e li F-5 es lu sam.

D-4 (o D-2? yo obliviat): visa universitari. Ante mult annus on ne esset licet ganiar moné con it ma nu it es possibil: 20 annus per semane, yo crede. Li un es por tis queles aprende korean, e li altri por tis queles studia un altri cose in un universitá korean.

H-1: Un working holiday visa. Solmen yunes posse obtener it, e it functiona por un annu. It es un poc strangi visa nam it ne permisse quel on doce anglesi con it, e quande on es yun e sin experientie it ne es facil trovar altri labor. Ma it sufice por laborar un poc durant un annu. Yo obtenet it du vezes. Yo ne crede que li americanes posse obtener it; ti visa besona un reciproc arangeament e li koreanes ne posse obtener un por li Unit States. Li maximum etá por obtener it es 30 o 31 annus, yo crede. Obtener it es (relativmen) vermen tre facil: on deve monstrar un minimum de 2500 dollares in su bank-conto e far un plan por li annu (li plan es solmen un formalitá e on posse scrir quocunc: on scri "in januar yo va visitar Busan, in april yo va esser in Gyeongju por un mensu por vider li sites historic...") E pos du semanes on obtene it.


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