The First World Gagauz Congress in Comrat, September 20-21 2006

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Evros prefecture (Νομός Έβρου) in Greece. You can find a few Gagauz living here too.

Taking a good look at the Gagauz Test Wikipedia, there's quite a bit of information there on the region and people that you can't find in other areas, and for the most part quite easy to read for anyone that knows Turkish. One page here is a good example; it's on the 1st Gagauz Congress that took place in 2006. Some other things I've noticed that I didn't see yesterday are this letter: ț that is obviously pronounced ts, and a slightly different word order from time to time when it becomes SVO. Still, it's mostly SOV.

Here's my translation of a few lines on that congress:
Dünnää gagauzların I-ci kongresi geçti 2006-cı yılın iyül ayın 20-21 günneri arası Gagauziyanın baş kasabasında Komratta.
The first World Gagauz Congress took place on the 20th and 21st of September 2006 in the capital of Gagauzia, Comrat.
Kongresä, Moldovada yaşayan gagauzları saymadaan, 14 devlettän delegaşiyalar katıldılar: Avstraliya, Amerika Birleºik Devletleri (ABD), Azerbaycan, Biyaz Rusiya, Bulgariya, Daniya, Germaniya, Greţiya, Kanada, İspaniya, Rumıniya, Rusiya, Türkiye, Ukrayna. Bundan kaarä Kongresä Moldovada bulunan diplomatlar da katıldılar. Delegatların sayısı 250 kişidän zeedäydi. Kongresin çalışmasında Moldova prezidenti Vladimir Voronin pay aldı.
In the congress aside from Gagauz people living in Moldova were delegates from 14 countries: Australia, United States, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Canada, Spain, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine. There were also diplomats in Moldova that took part in the congress as well. There were more than 250 delegates, and the Moldovan president Vladimir Voronin took part in the work in the congress as well.

Kongres Komrat klisesindä olan liturgiyaylan başladı. Liturgiyeyı Moldova Mitropolitı Vladimir götürdü. Liturgiyanın çeketmesindän taa sonuna kadar klisedä Moldova prezidenti Vladimir VORONİN hem Gagauziya Başkanı Georgiy Tabunşçik, GHT Başı Stepan Esir, Moldova parlamentinin deputatları, delegaşiya azaları, başka musaafirlär bulundular. Liturgiya bittiktän sora Mitropolit Vladimir ii sözlän danıştı klisedä bulunannara hem kongresin çalışmaları faydalı olsun deyni duva etti.
The congress began with a liturgy in Comrat's church. The liturgy was given by Moldovan Bishop Vladimir. From the beginning of the liturgy to the end was Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin, Gagauzian President Georgiy Tabunşçik, GHT (?) head Stepan Esir, Moldovan parliamentary deputies, delegate members, and other guests. After the liturgy ended Bishop Vladimir gave a good talk(?), and gave a prayer wishing the best for those in the church and working at the congress.

Another example of a page with some good information is this one, on Gagauz people in Greece. I don't know where else one could find that information. It seems that Gagauz people in Greece are divided into two types:

- Those that have lived there for a long time, in the prefectures of Veria, Saloniki and Seres, and
- Those that arrived from Turkey in 1923, and these live in the prefectures of Evros and Rodopi.

I also found a video on YouTube yesterday with some nice Orthodox chanting:


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